Doom 3
Battlefront II
Command And Conquer Generals&Zerohour
StarShip troopers
Warhammer Winter Assult
Warhammer Dawn of War
Doom III Resurection of Evil
Fable Lost Chapters
Alien Vs Predator 2
Soul Calibur II
Lord of The Rings Return of the King
Lord of the Rings Battle For Middle Earth
Command &Conquer
Command &Conquer Conver Operations
Command & Conquer Red Alert
Command And Conquer Aftermouth
Command And Conquer Retalation
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer Firestorm
Command & Conquer Renegade
Command & Conquer Red Alert II
Command & Conquer Yuri's Revenge
Theif Deadly Shadows
Star Wars Knights of Old Repuplic II
Burnout Revenge
Mortal Kombat Deception
Mortal Kombat Shoilin Monks
Halo 2
Halo Combat Evoled
Battlefield II Modern Combat
Kingdom Under Fire Hero's
Quake 3 Arena
Doom II
Doom II Master Levela
Evil Islands: Cure of The Lost Soul
Age of Wonders
Buffy Chaos Bleeds(U.S.A version)
Star Wars Empire At War.
Super Mario
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart
Mario bros 2
Super Mario bros 3
Star wars Dark force's
Alien vs predator
Rome total War
The thing
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil
Grand theift Auto San Andrears
Tekken 4
Tekken 5
Space invaders
Lord of the Rings Two towers
Lord of the Rings Battle for middle Earth II
Lord of the Rings fellowship of the Ring
Robo Cop 2
Street Fighter 2
Super Star Wars
Super Metroid
Putty Squad 2
Final Fantasy X2
Might And magic 7 for Blood and honour
Might and magic 6
Hero's of Might and magic 3
Heros of Might and Magic 2
The Blair witch Volume 2
Star wars Episode III
Matrix Path of Neo
Lego star wars
Star wars Rouge leader 2
Star wars Rouge Leader 3: Rebel Strike
House of Dead 2
Battlefield 2(PC)
Fifa football 96
V-Rally 64
Doom 64
Mortal Kombat 4
Mortal Kombat 3
Mortal Kombat 2
Mortal Kombat
Soul Calibur III
Tekken 2
Famerly Fun Train town "Sighs"
Sonic Racers
Alien vs predator Extinction
War of the Worlds online
Quake II
Pockey And Rockey
Predator Contreate Jungle
Final Fantacy
Final Fantacy II
Soul Reaver
Soul Reaver II
Soul reaver III
Sim city 2000
Sim city 3000
Sim city 4000
The sims
Area 51
Batman Returns
Batman Begins
Warriors of Might and magic
Mario Kart Double Dash
Mario Smash Bros Melee
Metroid prime 2 Echoes
Alien 3
Alien Trillogy
Serverance Blade of Darkness
Star wars Episdoe I
Dogz 3
Catsz 3
Bugs Life
Sho-Gun total war
Catz 2
Goldeneye 64
Jarraskic Park lost world
Jarraskic Park (SNES)
Splinter Cell
Time Splitters 2
Time Splitters 3
Grand theift auto
Grand theift Atuo 2
Gran theift auto London
Mario is Lost
Warhammer: Fire Warrior
My very first game **Super Mario bros 3**
Well Thats it Thats all i Can rember I Know thers more since i Had well over 100 Snes games and loads of ps1 games
Buti guess i played to Darn Many to rember!
Thingta42 Out...!