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thisissparta21 Blog

Arkham City

Holy Crap they screwed with the blog stuff. Well anyway thisissparta21 here after awhile but I'm here to bring some news about Arkham City. For anyone that doesn't know what that is, it's the sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum. Anyways the story is Warden Sharp took the credit for Batman beating the living crap out of the Joker, so Sharp is now Gotham's mayor. Well, according to Sharp, the Asylum isn't big enough to contain Gotham's insanity, so he buys a big old portion of slums, walls it off, puts some billboards up that say flattering quotes like "do not try to escape." and "you are under heavy surveillance." and voila! You've got Arkham City. The new Asylum only has ONE rule. Don't try to escape. That's it. You can do whatever the heck you want, as long as you don't make a break for it.

So what brings our buddy the Dark Knight into it? Well the newly crowned warden of the Asylum is none other than Professor Hugo Strange. Batman starts hearing some stuff about strange killing off detectives when they investigate the Asylum. Hmm..... Batman doesn't like it.

Well I'll give more details later folks, but let me just say I got all this stuff from the latest issue of Game Informer, so pick it up, if you have the time. In the mean time, thisissparta21 signin off. Wait almost forgot, Here's the answer to the last post's Question of the Day: Titan.

And here's the Queston of the day: In the SoulCalibur series, what is the name of Kilik's staff?

The Signal, Monday Night Combat

Well Monday Night Combat is out, and I got the Signal, the first Alan Wake add-on. (Spoilers Ahead) It was still creepy enough and fighting the possessed TVs was hard, but the story didin't really go anywhere. I still recommend it though. By the way here's the question of the day. What is the name of the formula that the Joker uses on his thugs in the game Batman: Arkham Asylum? Here's the answer to last weeks question of the day. Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System: GLaDOS, Thanks for readin, thisissparta21 signin out.

Alan Wake: Beaten

Beat Alan Wake! It was amazing. I'll be downloading the Signal ASAP. Until then I'll be working on getting the rest of achievements. Question of the Day: In the hit Valve game Portal, what does the villain's name, GLaDOS, stand for? Answer to the last posts question: Super Mario Bros. Thanks for readin, thisissparta21 signin out.

Alan Wake

So I got Alan Wake yesterday and...... its great. I'll write a review as soon as I finish it. Some people will tell you the combat is repetitive, well, it may be a bit, but its the addictiveness of it that makes you not care. Great story, great characters, I highly recommend it. Here's the question of the day, what was the first movie based on a video game? And here's the answer of last weeks question of the day: SoulCalibur. Thanks for readin, thisissparta21 signin out.

The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles

Hi Gamespot, I'm thisissparta21. Here I want to talk about these mini movies that I found here on Gamespot called Kingdom Hearts Chronicles. Its basically the funny version of Kingdom Hearts. There's 3 parts, and only the first one I found here. You can probably find the other parts on YouTube or Newgrounds. Remember the quote I put out a few posts ago? Well here's the answer: Gordon Freeman, the scientist with the gravity gun and a crowbar, from the Half-Life series. Read the next blog to find out what the most critically acclaimed fighting was. Thanks for readin, thisissparta21 signin out.

No Co-op?

Hey Gamespot, here's the news shippin out this week: Madden NFL 11 for a crapload of platforms, Monday Night Combat for the XBLA, and Scott Pilgrim vs the World on the PSN. In other news, Lara Croft and the Guaridian of Life will NOT have online co-op, which I don't think is a good idea. Lets hope that your partners AI is good. And hope you can still play with a buddy locally. Now time for the thisissparta21 question. What is the most critically acclaimed fighting game? Leave the answer in the comment section below. And if you're wondering why I'm not saying anything about the trivia on my last post its cause you'll get it next post. Thanks for readin, thisissparta21 signin out.

What game?

Hey Gamespot, I'm needin your personal opinion (as if anyone has looked at my posts yet) in what game should I get. Should I get Final Fantasy 13, Street Fighter 4, or Alan Wake? If no one answers, I'm just getting Alan Wake. Thanks guys. And now here's a new segment I'm callin Who Said It? So tell me Gamespot, who said- "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world." Leave the answer in the comment section below. Thanks for readin thisissparta21 signin off.

Street Fighter

Hi, Gamespot thisissparta21 here, and I am officially stupider. Don't watch Street Fighter. It will change you, and not in a good way. Side effects may include thoughts of suicide, suicidal attempts, insanity, and (although rare), Parkinson's disease. Kay I gotta go I might not blog in few days I need to let my brain recover while I sit around in the fetal position, muttering to myself and carving words on my wall with a knife. Thanks for reading, thisissparta21 signin out.

Batman: Arkham City

Hi again Gamespot, thisissparta21 here and if you've caught up on the gamespot news lately, you might know that there will be a sequel for the greatest superhero game of all time, Batman Arkham Asylum. Now here's the scoop on it: The game has been dubbed Batman: Arkham City, and was first announced with a teaser at the Spike Video Game Awards. They obviously have the Joker and Harley Quinn in it, but they have promised other villains such as Catwoman and Two-Face. Ra's Al Ghul's daughter, Thaila, is also said to make an appearance. The game is set to come out next year in the fall. Long time, but we can manage with the other games coming, such as Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Portal 2, Homefront, etc. etc. etc. The bad news is, Mark Hamill, the voice of the Joker (which he was fantastic at), said that this will be the last time. Great, its the whole thing when Heath Ledger died over again. Thanks for reading, thisissparta21 signin out.

I'm new.

Hello, Gamespot thisissparta21 here and I'm a n00b to Gamespot membership so I'm going to tell you a little bit about my gaming self. I've got a 360, but don't worry I'm not a fanboy, even though I hate the fact that these really good games are PS3 exclusives. But I decicded to let it go cause eventually I'll have both systems, and then I can laugh at both sides of the fanboys. Here's a question to wrap up the blog: How do I level up, cause once again, I'm a n00b here. Thanks for reading, thisissparta21 signin out.