The space battles in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 with my dad in co-op, we had the perfect routine: I'd get in the enemy ship while he would take out the frigates, and i'd blow up the shields, life support, engines and turret defense, and he'd destroy everything else. Then I would sabotage the X-Wings and stuff. It was so fun to watch a reble get in a ship that i've stuck a time bomb on see him lift off go out and......... BOOOOOOOM!!!! So much fun.
Money plays a big part obviously, but it could be a buzz drive. Example: Man, Starcraft 2 was awesome, man I can't wait till part 2 and 3 cause I want to try out the different factions and if Wings of Liberty was so amazing..... that was just part 1.
As for best story I won't be suprised if Mass Effect 2 gets it but I bet Alan Wake would be nominated, GOTY: I think the nominees would be: Mass Effect 2, Starcraft 2, Red Dead Redemption, God of War 3, Super Mario Galaxy 2.... so far anyway we've still got a bunch of other games like The Force Unleashed 2, Dead Rising 2 and Assassins Creed: Brotherhood.
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