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thismarlasinger Blog

Backloggery Account: Add me!

I had one eons ago... but I can't remember my account name or password. Since I have recently became obsessed with keeping track of my gaming history, thought I should just get a new account :)

Feel free to add me!

So I Got a PSP 3000 Last Month...


No prizes for guessing which colour I chose.

Haven't really gotten down to blogging, but yes, I got a PSP early last month despite being in what I call a "funky-money" situation, i.e., severely short on cash. Oh wells, a (rabid fan)girl gotta do what a (rabid fan)girl gotta do. First up, first game on the console: Jeane'dArc... and honestly, the hype is totally lost on me. Game was moderately fun, but boring at most times. And, on top of that, I found myself almost always overwhelmed by the feeling that I just want to complete this game and get it over and done with. SO PSP GAMERS OUT THERE: ANY GOOD SRPGs OR RPGs TO RECOMMEND?

In other news: planning to get a PS3 (FF13 version) for myself as a Christmas gift (boy, that's pretty sad). Also, I am not planning to fail my JLPT 3 so I have to get down to studying soon. ARGH>..>

Radiata Stories: Next Up!


I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THE ANSWER! The grinding was ... a horrible ordeal but it was 3/4 worth it I supposed. I swear, there were many times (okay, only twice!) where I really just fell asleep flat and left my PS2 on without knowing. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of the Answer's ending, but most parts were generally pretty interesting to watch. Without spoiling too much, the final boss was a major pain in the ass (especially if you are like a lazy grinder like me. I just grinded enough to survive. Okay, that sounded wrong, lol).

I still don't buy that Metis crap though. Kinda seem over convenient and loophol-ish to me. Oh wells.


ANYWAY! RADIATA STORIES NEXT UP! :) I need a break now though after playing P3 for 8 hours straight.:twisted:

Persona 3: The Answer



Okay, I completed Persona 3: The Journey 2 days back, and I know I mentioned that I wouldn't want to invest my time in The Answer so quickly, but the epic-ness of Persona 3's ending/overall conclusion blew me away enough to want more. Compared to Persona 4 (well, I can't help the comparisons, it happens), P3 ate about 30 more hours of my time and I think it was the first time I actually braced myself through 120+ hours of gameplay - I usually end at worst, 80, and average about 40. So, P3 definitely had something good going on.

I know, on the contrary most gamers prefer P4 mainly because of Atlus took away the "flawed" AI system and the tired/sick statuses in P3, but I actually sort of liked these flaws: it made grinding slightly more interesting and intensive (since you have to work around your group's flaws and be tactical) and it made the AIs seem more human since they appear to fight/defend on their own (I think it actually deluded me into investing more emotions in the characters since their personality flaws (Junpei = reckless and brash young fella) showed in their fighting (Junpei = superb on Knock Down). Hmm, okay lame. BUT there are many other things I liked about P3 and I can go on forever about why I felt that P3 was much better, but I shall not digress - and to think I played P4 first!

So back to The Answer. I am almost 4 hours into the game (discounting the couple of times I died and had to replay), and it has been so far so good. I was bracing myself for a MUCH worse experience since I came across a gazillion negative comments about The Answer before I started yesterday. Okay, admittedly, it wasn't blow-me-away excellent, but the present plot developments justified the endless and tedious grinding - and oh how I hate thee, meaningless grinding, ARGH! And is it just me or is Yukari acting like a prissy b***h doped on Prozac? Oh, and that Robot Sister is kind of annoying. But strong, lol.

Bottomline, if The Answer was an extension of Persona 4, I definitely wouldn't be playing it. Haha. OH, SHUT UP, ME!

Other news: I think I might get a copy of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and Shadow Hearts: From the New World soon. I am new to both series so I thought I should just try them out. I can't find a decent copy of SH 1 & 2 online, so I will have to wait and see.

Persona 3 FES: Last Month



OMG, I am finally close to completing this demon of a RPG. 108 hours pumped in (many hours dedicated to endless grinding), and hopefully, in another 5-6, I can move on to another game.

Anyway, those who have completed Persona 3, what Personas do you recommend me to fuse/use/train at this stage (without spoilers)?