I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THE ANSWER! The grinding was ... a horrible ordeal but it was 3/4 worth it I supposed. I swear, there were many times (okay, only twice!) where I really just fell asleep flat and left my PS2 on without knowing. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of the Answer's ending, but most parts were generally pretty interesting to watch. Without spoiling too much, the final boss was a major pain in the ass (especially if you are like a lazy grinder like me. I just grinded enough to survive. Okay, that sounded wrong, lol).
I still don't buy that Metis crap though. Kinda seem over convenient and loophol-ish to me. Oh wells.
ANYWAY! RADIATA STORIES NEXT UP! :) I need a break now though after playing P3 for 8 hours straight.:twisted: