No prizes for guessing which colour I chose.
Haven't really gotten down to blogging, but yes, I got a PSP early last month despite being in what I call a "funky-money" situation, i.e., severely short on cash. Oh wells, a (rabid fan)girl gotta do what a (rabid fan)girl gotta do. First up, first game on the console: Jeane'dArc... and honestly, the hype is totally lost on me. Game was moderately fun, but boring at most times. And, on top of that, I found myself almost always overwhelmed by the feeling that I just want to complete this game and get it over and done with. SO PSP GAMERS OUT THERE: ANY GOOD SRPGs OR RPGs TO RECOMMEND?
In other news: planning to get a PS3 (FF13 version) for myself as a Christmas gift (boy, that's pretty sad). Also, I am not planning to fail my JLPT 3 so I have to get down to studying soon. ARGH>..>