@FelipeInside: Wow thank you so much. I really want to finish building it now just to replay Dragon Age Origins.
thisSonicBoom's forum posts
I have no idea. I don't know much about PC gaming other than what I read on here and Youtube. I like the idea of mods but does Origin allow them? Will DA:I come out for steam or some other website that allows mods?
Does EA/Origin allow mods to their games? I really want to finish my PC build by the time DA:I comes out and it would be cool if I could use mods for that game.
That's what I thought too but my comments aren't being recognized on the comments section.
I've never been a believer. I cannot grasp the concept of God. I went to church ever Sunday and went to catacism as a child and even then I never really believed. Wars have been started, and continue, over religion. People have lost their lives over something so meaningless. The church sent an army of children to war, where they were brutally slaughtered, because of religion and their God would protect them. Their are so many religions out their preaching damnation and bullshit. For what? Money? Control? I don't know and I don't care. Religion is bullshit no matter which God is real, if any.
My comments are not posting to the site. They'll display on the thread but won't register on the number of comments and no one seems to notice my comments while trying to converse.
win 7
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