Defenders of Kagutsuchi are in the Temple of Fire to search for the Fire Core. Valkenhayn warns them that the road splits in two. So he ordered them to split into 2 teams. The left road taken by Jin, Carl, and Taokaka while the right road is taken by Noel, Litchi, and Bang. The left road goes first for them to clear the right road's path by finding the switch. The people of the left road found the hidden switch that was hidden in the ground and it's found by Taokaka. On to the right path, the part of the path is cleared. The others found a switch that they can't reach. The solution is that Litchi uses her weapon to reach it. The gate on the left road is open. Back to the left road, the gate is open by the switch by the entrance to the Fire Core. The defenders' tangled webs solve the problem with one simple puzzle.
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