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BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 22: All or Nothing

It's time for a new mission to get started. Kagutsuchi Incorporated is getting it in gear for the big adventure for the season. The dangers are lurking up ahead. If it's not for the Tarkatan army, then something else would came. Platinum was so stoked to be a part of Kagutsuchi Incorporated: Defenders of Kagutsuchi. It was a nothing for Noel's belief, but however, it's an all for the new order of Lorelei. There's a rip in the ancient burial ground by the Library that leads to an unusual version of the Library. Valkenhayn warps and informs them that the Tarkatan army or someone else may be there. Here, Carl must understand the ridicule and the importance of Lorelei.