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BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 32: A Cold Resort

After a countless and long quest for the third Runestone is resolved, the fourth Runestone lies somewhere in Kagutsuchi. It seems like the Defenders' helpers were inevitable. Now moving on, the monitor in the base indicates that the next Runestone is in Ronin Gai. Bang's situation took a turn for the worse because of the Runestone lies in his hometown. As they're headed for Ronin Gai, the Defenders of Kagutsuchi came across a priceless gemstone. It belongs to someone else. A strange man appeared out of nowhere looking for a gemstone. The Defenders are asking why is he going crazy. Just as the man found that fourth Runestone, but he can't give it to them until they found that gem. The Defenders and that man are trading that gem for the Runestone. The mystery has been solved. Now, all they have to do is to return to base for the fifth Runestone. Their quest has a cold resort for Bang's hometown.