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Kriselda's Obsession with RockStar - continued

Yeah! I'm a Soup Nazi now! :) Ok, so I just got done watching the Tuesday night performance edition of Rockstar:INXS. Amazingly, no one totally butchered their songs tonight. Ty came close with "Everlong", but got the hang of it about half-way through and came out ok. Sadly, JD did ok with "The Letter". I know they'll probably keep him around for a while as there's more buzz about his strategery (I love that word) than much of anything else on the show and Gods know they need the ratings, but I still don't like him. Brandon was quite the surprise - he did a great job with "If You Could Only See". I've always liked the song, so that probably helped, but for once, he actually sang pretty well. He really needs to get his hair fixed, though - it just looks bad. MiG, now, MiG ROCKED! The energy he had during that performance was FANTASTIC, and its not an easy song to do - most of it is nearly acapella, but you have to be in the right place when the band comes in for their part, which can be tricky. Him, I could watch for 2 hours. Marty, as usual, looked demonic. I swear, he tightenes up his face and neck so much when he sings that he looks like he might explode. I keep expecting a Spinal Tap Drummer moment! Oi! And the "Scary Conductor" thing, as Dave called it, blech. I don't like it fast and I REALLY don't like it slow. Jordis, though... what can you say but WOW. I was so choked up during her performance. It's a beautiful song to begin with and she really brought that feeling home. I seriously hope she wins this thing, but if she doesn't, I want to know when her solo album comes out - I'll want to get it! Deanna's bit with "I'm the only one" was really funny - and a beautiful use of the line. I'm sure Andrew didn't mind his view, either :) The rest were ok, but nothing stands out enough to comment on. I'd love to know, though, what was with the ads being run talking about one of the rockers "breaking down". I didn't see that. Jordis was emotional, but she channeled it all into the song and it just gave it that much more power! I know they're trying to get people to watch, but they should at least try to promote something that's actually, you know, noticable... Ah well. Promotions wouldn't be promotions without more than a bit of puffery, no?