I Want Postal 2. But Theres Just 1 Problme.
by thpghalo3 on Comments
It's $75.50. Now i downloaded the demo and i keep on playing it and laughing my but off! i swear this is the funniest game ever! YOU CAN PEE ON PEOPLE AND WATCH THEM THROW UP AND THEN SHOOT THERE HEAD OFF AND PEE ON THEM AGAIN! Or you can kick someone so mutch that they lay down on the ground suck ther thumb and wet themselvs! so as you can obvusly tell i REALLY want this game so what im going to do is save up for it because i would ask for it for christmas but i alghready have a "cough" 1010 list. i will post that soon.and here are the game i got for the past 2 weeks. I got Grand Theft Auto III PS2, Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories PSP, The Elder Scrols III Morrow wind XBOX And Finialy No More Heroes. and i pre orderd Call Of Duty World At War, Fable 2, Gears Of War 2 LE and Far Cry 2 now all of thoes except COD WAW are for christmas. Oh yeah one more thing i also got my Rock Band 2 Guitar! It's great a mutch improvment from the first one i will talk more about that later though. and one more thing i will try to do a video review because every time i want to do one i get cought up in somthing diffrent! and i have that new camera but i cant unload any of it because my computer is so crappy it takes like an hour just to upload 1 picture off of that new camera! so i will try to unload my vids i have on that now and make a new review. try to expcet this today or tommrow. So Thats It And See Ya!8)