if you think about it, its probably some college kid who rooms with like 5 other people and they all play that game a lot. I dont think any one person has played that game that much. It has to be just like a bunch of nerdy nerds
ya its a good movie, but there isnt enough stuff you could actually turn into a game. What fun is running down a tunnel for an hour?? no fun! but it was awsome to watch
dude, whoever said the wii has no good games is an idiot.It has mario galaxy (which won gamespots game of the year) metroid, zelda and brawl. All of those games are beautiful and you cant get them for xbox 360 or ps3. I have just an xbox 360 andi have to say that wii is for certain people. Its basically for kids, so you can knock on it all you want, but its a really great system with inventive ideas. Nintendo is a great company with hopefully a lot of plans for the future
I have an apple computer in my room and it runs airport to my router. Its all wireless. I have been trying to hook my xbox to my computer but it definitely isnt working. I was just wondering if anyone knows a way to actually make it work, or do i just have to go buy the wireless deal for 100 bucks
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