either way graphics comparison here they look pretty much the same except for dead space its darker... and this is a very high end graphics card. 1 word sad... i'm not going to sit here all day if you want to discuss it more my aim is thug9cole later
no i'm not going to look around for the best price I at first did a google search which out of 256 stores that was the best price.. I looked at newegg which is pretty standard a low price place for all things pc and yes that's a low price. Thanks for the site it does have good prices on already built ones but i'm sure you could goto tigerdirect and just get a barebones and put it together a little cheaper. btw that site you listed offers the card for $407 dollars.... I'm far from a hater... it's really disappointing when you have to dump that much into a machine and don't see that big of a difference... Not so long ago that wasn't the case. @Strange-Dude Your right let us enjoy our halo and all that bs and not everytime a console/pc game comes out come over and go wooo pc>console... lol Nah man i'm more "ignorant" I guess because I don't build them all day long... I already said its going to look better on a PC the components of the 360 and ps3 and every other console before have been computer parts... The 3d cards aren't even supposed to be comparable look at when they came out and compare that. The PC has new stuff everyday... From what i heard they did a patch for dx10 that made it a little better but then I heard people complaining it wasn't that much better.
i'll read your next point because ya I actually do agree with you on some of it but I don't sit here all day doing this.. i like looking at 1up and gametrailers to see new games coming out.. BUT MY POINT BEING IF YOU PAID THAT MUCH FOR A FLASHY NEW 3D CARD FALLOUT 3 should look CRAZY on it right? I just don't see it. I wish I did because down the line i'm going to have to build a new pc for starcraft 2....but all I see is a lighting difference and a draw distance..you want to stare at it for a few minutes and see a very small thing here or there... whatever no biggie I'm not worried bout it I'm to busy running around playing the game to worry about it.. by the time you get done building a decent gaming pc you spent easily $1000 bucks lets face it.. period.. If you want to play games for years to come and not have to upgrade your hardware I'd go with console especially considering the amount of exclusives and seeing as you can get alot of the games that are coming out for pc on your 360 or ps3... you can see the difference here look at the graphics difference this is a 06 gpu vs a new one? You don't have to upgrade drivers.. tweak them for the game... etc Just stick the disk in and play... One thing you don't have to worry about on the consoles is somebody having a better rig (aka spent more money then you on the pc..) and losing a game just because that persons 3d card is faster in the game.. lol i ment to say NO I DONT HATE PCS btw..
Personally i'm going to make this simple for everyone.. If your rich and can afford to buy a new motherboard,processor, and graphics processor when the new game that you just have to play comes out with crazy requirements go for it... oh I forgot you'll probably want to count the exclusives coming out later right not the ones you can goto the store and purchase now.. lmao... and wow is just a good everquest copy mainstreamed by blizzard...I can truely think of a few games on PC I would sooo like to play when they come out.. Starcraft 2... ive played sc1 since it came out...Diablo III when it comes out 2010 if were lucky lol that is it :(...ok some right off the top games I want to play when they come out on consoles... and I know im forgetting plenty these are off the top of my head... street fighter 4 anyone? the two final fantasys coming to 360 and ps3...white knight,killzone 2,tekken 6, wwe legends to wrestlemania, resident evil 5,fear 2 i dunno theres a alot NO I DONT HAVE PCS I ACTUALLY LIKE them I enjoyed them back when doom was released and during the quake 2 era of it where the games were actually pumping out like crazy and they were good and fun.. no i told you i played it on a friends computer I didn't get that far into the game but I just saw a flashy looking graphics with the same game right under it seems like they did alot more for the graphics then they cared about making the gameplay solid.. it was easy as heck... The GPU they used by itself is just as expensive as a 360 or ps3 don't deny it man look at newegg for christ sake.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=GeForce+280+GTX&x=2&y=24 read the description at the top it says "A well-equipped PC beats both consoles easily--of course, that same PC also costs three to four times more than either of the consoles." "We equipped our test PC with high-end components, a GeForce 280 GTX, and a quad-core Intel Core 2 CPU" from gamespot themselves.. also I forgot you gotta add in the price of a os to even run the game and then when it comes down to it look at the articles at how dx10 isn't the gaming jump they were looking for and how it kills the frame rates of alot of games I think pc gamer did the article.. your arguing over something retarded
i played crysis the mainguy is so overpowered it makes running around and fighting too easy for me... you can go invisible run up on people and kill them so bleh to me cool at first yes but after you are abusing it and owning the game that way blehhh... and exclusives for pc?? i thought we were talkin bout graphics here man... the SAD part to me is that the expensive card they used isn't showing much difference at all heck its a 1gb card man.. compared to consoles with 512 card?? you want to talk exclusives then 360 and ps3 both got the pc beat out easily right now lol.. i love PCs I do i'm just not going to fanboy it one way or the other like that....lets say since 360 came out thats giving pc a hardcore advantage how many exclusives has the pc had and how many has 360 & ps3 had??? I can think of two games on PC that I would have liked to play all the way through that I couldn't because i'm not rich enough to build a pc to enjoy them... crysis and ummmmm I was kinda intrested in spore??? LOL
i love the pc and all trust me i'd build my own if I could afford it but for 299 or 399 try to build the computer they built... lets think power supply, processor,graphics processor (which some games it'll work better with and some it wont the ps3 or 360 doesnt have that problem) and then there is the ram, case, hard drive...monitor that will do justice for the 3d card you just bought...the only game i saw a decent difference in was deadspace and even that that wouldnt make or break it for me in a game like that i want a gamepad. fps's on the otherhand i dont care if the graphics were to suck more on a pc i just like the mouse/keyboard combo but either way Its exepensive to keep upgrading your computer just to play the next game when the lifespan of these consoles is amazing.
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