Make sure its not a damn demonstration console like I purchased on ebay. You have to put in a security code for it to fully function...........every start up. The latest firmware 4.11 version security code is REALLY f'n hard to find and I can't do jack with it now except just play games in single player. I hope the person you're getting it from isn't suffering the same bs as I am and just trying to screw ya. Save yourself some frustration and DEFINATELY inspect before purchase! Good luck to you.
Same dilemma happened to me and I got it fixed for $20 in two days. I believe the problem was a certain connection in the back left corner by the intake fan that needed soldering, that and a dust build up. I had the maintainence dude fix it after I described the symptoms from what I had learned on a 4 segment step by step youtube post. Hopefully it wil be an easy fix for you, and keep a fan on that hot biatch while its on. Good luck to you.
Bought it from a company on ebay so it seemed legit and there are quite a few out there. When I was looking for the new code, someone put on their site how circuit city got rid of a bunch before they went under. Found out that the unit is still legally the property of playstation since it was a demo.....screw that noise, gonna have to pry it from my cold dead fingers!
The sec. codes I found before I installed version 4.11 on my demo ps3 unit, is incorrect. I tried "4804" and "2624" but to no success. Can anyone shed some light on this dilemma for me? I would be very grateful!
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