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thx4datips Blog

My updated profile, siggy, and avatar

Hey guys, its been a while since I last checked in, and I decided to give my profile a new you see a difference? Well I decided to fill it up with some bleach clips, I made none, but it was fun typing the HTML codes to get it on, as I hadnt done so in a while. I also added bleach and naruto clips to my signature. As of now, I am an equal fan of both, and am trying to remain that way. I also have a new avatar and a new profile image. I know, it might take longer then most profiles to load, and some pictures might not show up the first time, but in my opinion, its worth it :) Well school started this week, and that was a bummer, but I have a feeling it will be more fun then last year. I will repeat that I made none of these clips, and I take no credit whatsoever for making them. Thanks!

Sony Steals Nintendo's Ideas!!!

I am not a fanboy, is how id like to start this off. I am very mad at sony for stealing the idea for the controller and calling it innovation on their part. Im also mad because they dissed nintendo about it earlier. Well whatever, im very mad, but I should have seen this coming.

Anime recommendations?

These are the anime that I am currently in to, and liked:

Naruto (man, these fillers are FINALLY gonna end with episode 182)
Bleach (pretty damn good)
Rurouni Kenshin (sorry dont know how to spell it, but I still liked it alot)
Yuyu Hakusho
One Piece (man the english voices kill it, same with naruto)
Full Metal Alchemist

What do you guys think, are there any you dont like? Which ones I havent watched would you recommend?


Well, Ive been playing Metroid Prime: Hunters and Bleach DS. They both really fun, and my FC is in my signature, so if you see me online, and in a post, check it out, and pm me if you add me. I also would like to say that my good friend Keanu (k10kemorr) is also playing these games, so feel free to ask him for his FC's as well.

My DS collection:
Jump Superstars
Metroid Prime Hunters
Bleach DS
Mario Kart
Animal Crossing: Wild World
and um...more I think

So...Ive been playing Metroid Prime Hunters alot...


My stats:

3 stars

WiFi Win Record 164 of 241

Wireless win record 42 of 64

connection history 99.3 (I dont intentionally disconnect I swear)

Win Ratio 67.5

Win Streak 26

Favorite weapon shock coil

Headshot kills 166

Biped kills 1057

Alt form kills 586

Kill Streak 27

Favorite hunter: Sylux

and I still suck :(

What a exasperating month...

Well, even though I am younger then 15 or 16 or whatever the Job age requirement is, I still have a lot to do to make money. Every day (at least the days I'm at my dad's house) I work at a "construction" (If you want to call it that) site and get paid 8 dollars an hour, great! today I worked 6 hours, and school days are usually around 3. On top of that, I babysit for my Dads friends for another whopping 8 dollars an hour, and today I am also babysitting. This means that unfortunately dont get to spend much time on GS or with my games, but It will help in the long run, for money to buy new consoles and games coming out later this year. Yeah well, I have to say that this "working" is quite tiring. On top of that, when I can play my games or go on GS, everyone is usually asleep (seeing as how Im in hawaii), but sometimes I get home early enough, and I can play with my friends in R.L. AND im finally level 10, hooray! Welcome to real life I suppose. Well I dunno... what an odd ending.

Boredom Strikes!!

Now its hard to believe that boredom can strike, what with all the new games around, and the fact is, I was looking forward to a spring break with my friends, but ALL of them were doing something, so that left me alone with my much coveted games. Yes, yes, I spent most of my spring break reading The Subtle Knife and Amber Spyglass, as well as brushing up on my skills for Metroid Prime: Hunters, MK:DS (I have now fully masteredm snaking, able to do it on "non-snaking" courses such as rainbow road) and Jump Superstars, and my AC:WW unfortunately had to sit by and watch me play all these wonderful games. Well so this worthless spring break was composed of playing these games (which are fun, but I wish I could have done something else other then something I can do everyday for spring break) daily runs, reading, and of course watching Naruto episode 178, and the latest Bleach. Overall, a pretty much worthless spring break.