Phew I'v kinda drifted away from this site and well everything about it. First I love the community here just been busy. But I'm posting this up because I'm getting an xbox 360 in a few weeks now I know fan boys will love me and ps3 people will hate me but let me have a word. I'm getting to play with my friends whom are mostly x box people and bash me for having a ps3 however I still think that the ps3 IS the better system. Sorry microsoft you just fail in doing what sony has been perfecting for so long. I mean really 100 bucks for wifi? ok, ok I'm not getting into it point of the matter is I still like my ps3 and will play it. All those who want to slander me.... well message me on my x box and I'll message in return with very harsh words that I wont post on this. What do you think please post if you well happen to stumble on this.
tiao564 Blog
Modern warfare 2: sniping
by tiao564 on Comments
OK OK im trying to no scope/ quick scope. I'm good at it FINALY. Everytime a friend hosts a no scope/ quick scope game alwase make it to first or second. But when I play online I get RAPED in every way shape and form imaginable and I have narrowed it down to a simple problem. ASSULT RIFLES SUCK. Now let me explane this before everybody wet their pants shouting at me because I don't know how to play the game and I'm just a little noob. Let say I'm walking around a corner with my sniper rifle, I see you BANG I nail you in the chest however I only get a hit marker (YES I HAVE FMJ AND STOPPING POWER) so I go for my next shot and I'm dead on my kill cam I see you just shoot me and me missing. Hmmm; next,you can shoot acrost the entire F#!*ing map and hit me with dead precicion leaving me speachless on how you can do that and why infinity ward put that damned feature into the game. INFINITY WARD PLEASE FIX THIS F*%#ING PROBLEM. Make them more like the mini uzi. Excelent at clost to med range but sprays at long range because in real war THATS WHAT THEY WOULD DO. My god sniper rifles are for sniping assult rifles should stay the hell out of it. Its so gay I dont remember the last time I went positive using only my sniper rifle. AND whats worse (call me stupid) is I'm going though this whole prestige using only sniper rifles and my side arms plus whatever I can pick up.
COD MW2 shout out
by tiao564 on Comments
Hey, for anybody who reads this I'm getting really sick of ump noobs. So I'm going to start quick scoping. Anybody who wants to play a privat match with me quick scopes only just add my psn(s) Roadkill00 or Deader564 any help would be great. Oh and get your friends in on it the more the merryer. Thanks everybody.
Bioshock on survivor
by tiao564 on Comments
Ok so I'm thinking about getting Bioshock 2 so I wanted to beat bioshock one on survivor without using a vita chamer. Today I started playing and holy cow I don't think its possible. really 2k? really? I'm just infront of getting the shotgun and I have half heath no eve not a single medkit or eve hypo. Also no ammo to boot. So I need a ltitle help. Who can help me any little hint would help. I'm aking all the gamespot communtiy please!!
start of 2010
by tiao564 on Comments
'010 is now a few weeks in andI thought I would talk about how my gaming is changing with the new year. FirstlyI have traded the WAW syndromefor MW2. RegretfullyI do this because of all the campers, but hey all the games will have its sissies ;) sorry if your a camper reading this. Next is my gaming collection, that is fairly small as of the moment. But there are a lot of new games coming out this year that I'm waiting forlike bioshock 2, Battle field bad company 2, Final fantasy XIII and some others thatI can not think of right now. These games look great but will they live up to their predecessors? I have played the BFBC2 beta and it was fun but a little unbalanced and there was only one map. Well thats all for right nowI'm a little tired and cant think of anything more to put in here. Happy '010:)
If you see anything spelled wrong (I'm terrable atenglish and would love the help,I dont careaboutgrammer just spelling)or that you have a pick with please tell me I'm open to all opinions.
why call of duty world at war online ****
by tiao564 on Comments
IN one work the MP40 that gun single handedly ruined the game. first off its a 4 shot kill with stopping power and who wouldnt pass up that opportunity. Not only that but its accurate the the point where you can SNIPE WITH IT, and yes im talking from experience. Finaly is that EVERYBODY uses the gun. I however do not and my k/d shows its about .73 and that sucks. In reality the mp40 had no range to it what so ever maybe 10 yards or so also it was very inaccurate it sprayed EVERYWHERE. And the pullets where PISTOL BULLETS you could take 5 to the arm and live compaired to in the game where 5 to ANYWHERE is instant death. Now some reading this are going to say "Well if its so good why dont you use it?? stupid noob" am i right? well to those I man up, I try new guns then to go with the Perfect golden god gun. So if your a mp40 noob i hope you run dry in COD MW2 I hope i get my revenge on all you sissys.
by tiao564 on Comments
We all know that there is no cure, except to kill them off and don't be killed. So what can we learn? Well the first lesson is: aim for the head. The virus will enter the body and stop the heart, then go straight for the brain. The virus then uses the frontal lobe of the brain to replicate, destroying it in the process. So if you take out the head your safe. However make sure its GONE. If the head is attached so something, say the upper half of the body, that upper half is still dangerous and will still come after you. So make sure its dead and burn the body to completely remove the threat. Next? Well, zombies have a couple weaknesses. Because the body is dead, it cannot repair anything that is damaged, so any muscle tissue destroyed in physical activity will stay dead, so after a while they will be rendered incapable of movement. Now that you're armed with some basic knowledge, arm yourselves. What will you need? Well, if you decide to leave and "head for the hills" pack light. You'll need food, a couple ways to make fire, weapons, map, destination, knife, and other survival essentials. Pack light on the fire arms. No reason to carry 3 shotguns, 2 AK-47s, and 10 boxes of ammo each. 1 bolt action rifle, and 3 boxes of ammo would do. Also remember that zombies can still hear you so keep quiet. A cross bow would be nice, hey even a suppressed pistol would work. silencers are illegal for civilians to purchase, but they are easy to make with a metal working shop and the proper know-how. Whatever you decide, keep quiet otherwise you'll advertise your location to other zombies. Also work with the land. If your in the subrubs and getting chased pick up something and whack 'em in the head. Just be careful not to get bit.
Modern warfare 2
by tiao564 on Comments
OK. This is going to be a must have game. As far as I'm concerned best of the year possibly. First off the campaign looks fun, but probably short. I beat World at Wars campaign in about 5 hours probably less. And my friend I watch beat half the campaign in COD 4 in about 3 hours. So COD doesn't have the strongest campaign out there (and most of you will disagree with this) but i have played better. But where the play hours lack it makes up in a grueling veteran difficulty that most people (like me) cant beat. But the main story here is about the ONLINE PLAY ohhhh baby that is going to be fun. Start out with co op. There are special missions outside the campaign missions to test you and your friends. From what i heard in an interview you are going to start out with only a few missions unlocked, these you must beat with your friends (up to 4) to earn a score. Once you have a certain total score you will unlock more and harder missions to play. There are several types like fend off the waves, racing your buddy, or regular missions. Then there is the almighty competitive. A all new experience. This one will get rid of some old guns, add new ones add new perks and much more. To start out the perks, some were rid and some are new like one that makes it so kill streaks take one less kill. Not only are the perks new but a new perk leveling system where the more you use a perk it can level up so for instance sleight of hand when leveled up will not only let you reload slightly faster then the normal sleight of hand but you can also bring up your scope faster too. Next is a new tag system, in this you can make your own call card where when ever you do something (call in uav, helicopter, ect) it will show up on your teams screen. NOT DONE YET. Instaid of having a side arm can choose something else as your back up gun like a rocket launcher, 44 magnum (yes the most powerful hand gun in the world for you Dirty Hairy fans), or machine pistol. Next a interchangeable kill steak system which will let you choose what you get at 3 kills, 4kills, 5,6,7,8,9, and 11. Last that I can think of is new reward system. Before we all know of the marksmen and expert of guns. Now there certain things you can do and get points for every time for instance if you get a one shot kill you get points for that, kill somebody short of a kill streak you get points for that, or if you capture the enemy flag you get points for that. This is leading to a lot of wasted hours in front of your television screan getting kills. Please tell me if I am missing something big. But over all a MUST HAVE game in my opinion.
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