OK OK im trying to no scope/ quick scope. I'm good at it FINALY. Everytime a friend hosts a no scope/ quick scope game alwase make it to first or second. But when I play online I get RAPED in every way shape and form imaginable and I have narrowed it down to a simple problem. ASSULT RIFLES SUCK. Now let me explane this before everybody wet their pants shouting at me because I don't know how to play the game and I'm just a little noob. Let say I'm walking around a corner with my sniper rifle, I see you BANG I nail you in the chest however I only get a hit marker (YES I HAVE FMJ AND STOPPING POWER) so I go for my next shot and I'm dead on my kill cam I see you just shoot me and me missing. Hmmm; next,you can shoot acrost the entire F#!*ing map and hit me with dead precicion leaving me speachless on how you can do that and why infinity ward put that damned feature into the game. INFINITY WARD PLEASE FIX THIS F*%#ING PROBLEM. Make them more like the mini uzi. Excelent at clost to med range but sprays at long range because in real war THATS WHAT THEY WOULD DO. My god sniper rifles are for sniping assult rifles should stay the hell out of it. Its so gay I dont remember the last time I went positive using only my sniper rifle. AND whats worse (call me stupid) is I'm going though this whole prestige using only sniper rifles and my side arms plus whatever I can pick up.
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