OK. This is going to be a must have game. As far as I'm concerned best of the year possibly. First off the campaign looks fun, but probably short. I beat World at Wars campaign in about 5 hours probably less. And my friend I watch beat half the campaign in COD 4 in about 3 hours. So COD doesn't have the strongest campaign out there (and most of you will disagree with this) but i have played better. But where the play hours lack it makes up in a grueling veteran difficulty that most people (like me) cant beat. But the main story here is about the ONLINE PLAY ohhhh baby that is going to be fun. Start out with co op. There are special missions outside the campaign missions to test you and your friends. From what i heard in an interview you are going to start out with only a few missions unlocked, these you must beat with your friends (up to 4) to earn a score. Once you have a certain total score you will unlock more and harder missions to play. There are several types like fend off the waves, racing your buddy, or regular missions. Then there is the almighty competitive. A all new experience. This one will get rid of some old guns, add new ones add new perks and much more. To start out the perks, some were rid and some are new like one that makes it so kill streaks take one less kill. Not only are the perks new but a new perk leveling system where the more you use a perk it can level up so for instance sleight of hand when leveled up will not only let you reload slightly faster then the normal sleight of hand but you can also bring up your scope faster too. Next is a new tag system, in this you can make your own call card where when ever you do something (call in uav, helicopter, ect) it will show up on your teams screen. NOT DONE YET. Instaid of having a side arm can choose something else as your back up gun like a rocket launcher, 44 magnum (yes the most powerful hand gun in the world for you Dirty Hairy fans), or machine pistol. Next a interchangeable kill steak system which will let you choose what you get at 3 kills, 4kills, 5,6,7,8,9, and 11. Last that I can think of is new reward system. Before we all know of the marksmen and expert of guns. Now there certain things you can do and get points for every time for instance if you get a one shot kill you get points for that, kill somebody short of a kill streak you get points for that, or if you capture the enemy flag you get points for that. This is leading to a lot of wasted hours in front of your television screan getting kills. Please tell me if I am missing something big. But over all a MUST HAVE game in my opinion.
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