Wow. So yeah, it's been awhile since I posted a blog entry here. Not really because I haven't been playing any games, just because a lot of things have been going on in my life and I really haven't had a chance to make a blog entry. So a few months ago my grandma got sick with Shingles. For those of you uninformed about that, I'll do my best to explain what it is. So, say you had chicken pox earlier in your life. Well, the virus stays dormant in your spinal column and rears its ugly head later in life in the form of a nasty painful rash somewhere on your body. So she had to go to the doctor to get medicine and pain killers. Which in turn, the pain killers like to mess with your head and make you all loopy. For a while there, maybe a month or more, my grandma was so bad off that she couldn't do anything by herself. Had to have help to go to the bathroom, bathe, get in bed, out of bed, hell she'd even fall asleep while she was trying to eat if someone didn't sit there and feed her.
Shortly afterwards, we took her to the doctor again due to her condition not seeming to improve. Upon going, we learned that she had a urinary tract infection. Which, along with the pain medicine, was causing her to be in so much pain that it was messing with her head. So she was given more antibiotics and pain medicine. I think it's been a month since then and her condition is really improving. She can get out of bed on her own and eat and all that. But I still don't like to leave her alone by herself for long periods of time. In fact my mom has to go out of town for a weekend in a few weeks, which I was originally going to go with her, but leaving her alone for that long..and being so far away from her, just wouldn't sit right with me. She's still not completely healed, I can tell that as she's in a lot of pain rather frequently. She's also still acting a bit loopy at times, not being able to remember things and the like.
As you can imagine, I haven't been able to leave the house much recently due to my grandma's state. When I do, it's not for very long and..I've been getting a bit stir crazy. My mom will have to go out for things or do some errands, and I have to stay at home to keep an eye on my grandmother. Upon speaking to a family friend one night, getting a second opinion on my driving skills, I finally made the decision to take my driver's test. Honestly, I was really confident in my abilities..but I think it was my mother's opinion that mattered to me the most..and I'm not sure how much faith she had in me. But when our friend said that she didn't see why I didn't take it..that pretty much sealed the deal for me.
So, a week later I took my test and..failed. It was a few minor things, really. But it was enough minor things to cause me to fail. Lol, I failed 68 points out of 70 allowed to pass. You can imagine how stupid I felt. Then, the week after that I thought I'd try my luck again. But see, I hadn't been paying attention to the weather that day and when I left the house to take it..there were ominous clouds filling the sky..and just my luck when I go to take the test, it starts pouring. But, I was lucky enough to get a really nice instructor who didn't count the test against me, seeing as how I don't have much practice driving in rain storms. That, and the wiper blades on the car I use aren't the best. The following week, yesterday, I went back again. I was really confident, as I had practiced on all the things I did wrong on the first week. But just my luck, I swear I got the toughest instructor they had. She nitpicked on every single thing I did. Like..stopping in front of the stop sign instead of behind it or something stupid like that. But, much to my amazement and her attitude, I passed with a score of 75! 8D!! So yeah, I'm officially a licensed driver. That's really good news and gives me a feeling of freedom that I think I really need. Now, I just need insurance. Lol.
Anyway, yeah. That's what's been going on in my life. I recently purchased Soul Calibur IV from GameFly, right before I ended my subscription with them. I'm honestly really sick of them and don't understand why they get as much praise as they do. I mean, I had Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on my list for weeks. I even calculated how much time I would need and when to send back the game I currently had to be able to rent Transformers. Then Gamefly, being the jerks they are, decided to send it out one day before street date. After that I just said screw it, used my gamefly dollars, and cancelled 'em. Now I have the Blockbuster game pass from my local Blockbuster. Hey, it may only be one game at a time but at least I can usually get a copy of the new release I want. =3= So yeah, if you see a game in my "Now Playing" list that I don't own, that's why.
@_@ Wow. This has gotten really long. I suppose I'll wrap it up here. xD Hopefully the next blog post won't be so grim, and I won't wait as long to post one.
Stay Gold, Gamespot.
Oh yeah, I started up a twitter account on a whim. So, if anyone wants to follow me -
tiger_rampage Blog
Battle Mode
by tiger_rampage on Comments
What's going on Gamespot? You guessed it, another blog to update my current gaming status. So, I recently finished Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Honestly, it was a blast from beginning to end. Even if I did have to play the first part twice due to the Xbox 360s ass backwards compatibility. I pretty much loved everything about the game, the characters, the combat system, the story. Especially the story. It really felt like Star Wars, and that's a very good thing. I can see why when it first came out that it got better reviews than the recently released movies of the same franchise. LOL, anyway I'll probably write a full review on it later. Its just that good. Bioware is just awesome, I mean they make killer RPGs. Mass Effect is pure gold and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I can't wait for Mass Effect 2.
So anyway, Pokemon Platinum arrived in the mail on..I think it was Wednesday of last week. I chose Turtwig as my starter, no particular reason why. Its kind of dinosaur ish so that's always cool. I really like how they've updated it from D/P. Not really much else to say about it. I've also been playing a lot of Soulcalibur IV, and I think I'm starting to get..mildly good at it. I can beat my fair share of people on Xbox Live, then again maybe I'm just getting lucky. LOL. I really like it, as far as fighters go its awesome just because of the way you can make custom characters. I'm really considering buying it. It's just that awesome. Its also down to a bargain price, so that's good. Well...I'm not sure what else to put here so I'll cut this short.
Stay gold, Gamespot.
New Game
by tiger_rampage on Comments
Hey Gamespot, another blog to update you on my gaming status. Well, I finally gave up playing KOTOR on my 360. It was just to glitchy and laggy. Seriously, the voice acting would cut out and I'd get loud staticky sounds at random. At one point it even froze and wouldn't go on without loading from a different save file. Suffice to say I gave up. If I want to play the sequel I think I'm going to have to buy an original XBOX.
At any rate I started playing the PC version. That too was laggy and glitchy and the graphics were horrible. I have an anti-gaming PC, LOL. But my mom was nice enough to let me play it on her super advanced graphical PC. It looks really good and runs smoothly, though I guess that doesn't take much. It's only an '04 game. I'm a good ways into it. I just beat my first planet, Tatooine. I'm taking on Kashyyk next, for those of you who know what that means. The problem is, it's my mom's computer so I can't play it whenever I want. I usually play it when my moms watching a movie or something. The good news is that when I do get to play its usually in five to six hour intervals. So, I take out a good chunk of the game every time I play.
I've also started getting games from GameFly now so you might see some games on my "now playing" list that I don't own. I used to have it last year..and I'm starting to remember why I stopped. All of the games I want are on "low" status, meaning that the games are in low supply.
I ordered Pokemon Platinum from today, and while I'm usually anti Walmart I couldn't pass this deal up. For the normal price of the game you get the little Giratina figurine and a Platinum carrying case. Hey free swag FTW! I'm not sure what game to play after beating KOTOR, which at this rate won't take any time at all. I'm thinking about playing Ninety-Nine Nights. I wanna break out a 360 game soon,I wouldn't want my 360 to be lonely for too long. XD Well this blog has gone on long enough, later Gamespot!
Stay Gold.
Save and Continue
by tiger_rampage on Comments
Hey game spotters. Just a quick blog updating my current gaming status. XD So yeah, in my previous blog I said how I recently finished the first episode of Xenosaga. I thought about writing a review for it, but after thinking awhile..I came to the realization that most of my review would probably just be a rant on how a lot of the story doesn't make much sense and leaves you feeling somewhat empty. So, what I might do is just a write a complete review of the entire series once finishing the third. As I'm sure the story will make much more sense after that. But seriously! The game throws so much at you and doesn't stop! It expects you to remember all these important details and then just ends without explaining much. Maybe I just haven't played many games lately with a thick enough story, and it makes Xenosaga seem heavy. I'm not really sure. But I think I'm going to take a break from it before starting the second.
I recently got my guide back for Knights of the Old Republic, so I think I'll work on finishing that. I think I'm a good 3/4 through the game..but I got to a certain point and it froze and wouldn't let me continue. Yes, I'm playing this on a its bound to have problems. But I discovered another save file semi-close to the one I was on, and it works fine. So, I'll just pick up from there.
Also, I recently downloaded the demo for Resident Evil 5. I haven't completed it yet..but I'm impressed so far. The graphics just blew me away. Its seriously the first RE I've played since the first, and seems ten times harder. Maybe its because I don't play many shooters or survival horror type games..but it just seems really difficult to me. Though, I was playing the co-op/split screen with a friend, so I'm sure the difficulty was amplified.
O_O This blogs gotten quite lengthy, so I'll cut it off here. Sayonara!
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