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New Game

Hey Gamespot, another blog to update you on my gaming status. Well, I finally gave up playing KOTOR on my 360. It was just to glitchy and laggy. Seriously, the voice acting would cut out and I'd get loud staticky sounds at random. At one point it even froze and wouldn't go on without loading from a different save file. Suffice to say I gave up. If I want to play the sequel I think I'm going to have to buy an original XBOX.

At any rate I started playing the PC version. That too was laggy and glitchy and the graphics were horrible. I have an anti-gaming PC, LOL. But my mom was nice enough to let me play it on her super advanced graphical PC. It looks really good and runs smoothly, though I guess that doesn't take much. It's only an '04 game. I'm a good ways into it. I just beat my first planet, Tatooine. I'm taking on Kashyyk next, for those of you who know what that means. The problem is, it's my mom's computer so I can't play it whenever I want. I usually play it when my moms watching a movie or something. The good news is that when I do get to play its usually in five to six hour intervals. So, I take out a good chunk of the game every time I play.

I've also started getting games from GameFly now so you might see some games on my "now playing" list that I don't own. I used to have it last year..and I'm starting to remember why I stopped. All of the games I want are on "low" status, meaning that the games are in low supply.

I ordered Pokemon Platinum from today, and while I'm usually anti Walmart I couldn't pass this deal up. For the normal price of the game you get the little Giratina figurine and a Platinum carrying case. Hey free swag FTW! I'm not sure what game to play after beating KOTOR, which at this rate won't take any time at all. I'm thinking about playing Ninety-Nine Nights. I wanna break out a 360 game soon,I wouldn't want my 360 to be lonely for too long. XD Well this blog has gone on long enough, later Gamespot!

Stay Gold.