Okay everyone,
For those of you who have been my TV.com friends AT LEAST since summer, do you guys remember me doing that "ask me anything" blog where, you, the TV.com users ask me any questions? If you don't then you probably weren't my TV.com friends (or even heard of me) until later on as time passes. I want to make sure that this is "Ask Me Anything" blog is much better than last summer. Last summer was good but I want to this 2nd annual "ask me anything" even more awesome.
I'm also doing this for the 2nd time because some of the TV.com users that I haven't been friends with until like later on in the fall or in the spring can get the chance to ask me questions THIS SUMMER.
Here are simple details about this and the rules are the same as LAST SUMMER which is just ask me any questions that you want and it can be more than one. Also, yes it can be the same question that you asked me last summer because I might have a different response to that same question if that does make sense. Just go ahead and MESSAGE ME THE QUESTIONS ONLY!!!
Deadline: I don't know, I'm gonna go ahead and make it Sunday on June 24, 2012 so I will give you a week to send me as many questions as you want. :) You may NOT send me questions no later on AFTER midnight on June 24th, 2012. As soon as June 24 is over and the clock strikes midnight then I will NOT accept any more questions because I'm gonna be getting ready to answer the questions in my blog. Q&A blog will be made on the 25th of June. :)
For those of you that participated in last summer's "ask me anything" event, I hope you enjoy asking me questions again for the 2nd year in a row. For those of you that DIDN'T participate in last summer's "ask me anything" event then I can hope that you enjoy this summer's event and ask me as many questions as you want.
Also, if it's NOT too much trouble for you guys. If you do happen to make a blog of your own this week, can you please spread the word on your blogs about this so more TV.com users can know about it if it's not too much. In your blogs, it can be just one short sentence about this and that's it... nothing too big.
If you do have any questions about the 2nd annual "ask me anything" blog, just message me and I will be happy to answer any concerns that you may have with this and I am OF COURSE tigerdude22 (that is my username)
To end this simply detailed blog, I'm gonna put up two videos to MAKE YOU LAUGH, if it doesn't make you laugh I am sorry but just thought I would end the blog with fun humor so if it does make you laugh then that's great :) Watch these TWO funny videos.... both of them are only about 1 minute and a half long so don't worry it's NOT long. :)
Ultimate Dog Teaser (FUNNY video... hope this makes you laugh because it sure made me laugh :D LOL): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw
Key & Peele: Hell's Kitchen Parody (WATCH this video... it's dumb but it's in a hilarious and witty way): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPpzJAzdpTU
About Key & Peele: If you have never seen these videos then you need to watch them because they are very funny and I enjoy watching them when I need to get a good laugh. I have already seen pretty much all of their videos on YouTube but one of my favorites is probably "Helicopter News Reporter" (look that up and you'll see why it cracks me up and why it's one of my favorites). I highly recommend that you watch the Key & Peele videos... there is foul language in those videos though just so you be aware but that's it nothing else terrible. These videos are definitely good for some/a lot of laughs.