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Disney PIXAR's Brave/Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie reviews

REMINDER: Send me questions for my Q&A blog before it's too late and you can send as many questions as you want. So far, I have a lot of good questions and some very hard questions which I need to figure out on how to answer them but I'll have the hard questions answered, don't worry. :) If you have concerns about this, just PM (message me) me and I'll answer whatever concerns you have. :)

Deadline: Monday June 25, 2012

Q&A blog will Be Posted: Tuesday June 26th, 2012

Deadline was originally going to be Sunday June 24th and my blog was originally gonna be made on Monday June 25th but I want to give the users time to comment on this blog so I went ahead and moved it further by a day so you NOW have til' Monday to send me your questions and Tuesday is when my Q&A blog FOR SURE will be made. :)

ALSO (continue reading this reminder), I wanted to make my Q&A blog more fun by posting pictures requested by the users, in other words you guys. You can either PM me and just tell me in the comments if there's a picture or poster that you would like to see my post. You get to request it, it can be a picture of a TV show or a movie, or it can be movie posters, or it doesn't even have to pictures dealing with movies or TV shows... it can be a picture of like... oh, maybe a random picture of a banana. So yeah, you users get to request on whatever pictures or posters that you would like to see me post in my Q&A blog just make sure it is NOT inappropriate though or else I won't post that. Thank you and that's the end of the reminder. :)

I didn't expect to see two movies today but my family just planned it unexpectedly and I didn't mind seeing two movies since, I don't know, I love to watch movies. It's not the first time we've done that so yeah. We ended up seeing "Brave" first at the 12:45pm showing and saw "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" at the 3:15pm showing. My mom dropped off my grandma before we saw AL:VH because she saw "Brave" with us but she wanted to go home and relax so yeah. After the movies, we went to go eat-in at Wendy's. :) Here my two movies reviews everyone and I hope you enjoy them and that really should be it for my blog since there's nothing else at this moment to talk about. :)

Disney PIXAR's Brave movie review

I love blue

I saw this film with my mom, my grandma, my brother, my aunt, and my cousin in 2-D, NOT in 3-D because I had a feeling not a lot of things would pop out and also because futuramamrama make a slight comment about the 3-D which was that he wish he didn't spend it on 3-D so I'm guessing it was better in 2-D. It wasn't like "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" where a lot of awesome and spectacular moments did pop out of you. Anyways, this year's PIXAR film was "Brave" and was I looking forward to it... at first, no. Then when the first OFFICIAL trailer shows, I was like "mmm okay?" then as time passes on, I realize that I wanted to see the film but I was definitely 10 times more hyped about a PIXAR film than this one though. I was a worried about this film because it didn't get the reviews that Disney PIXAR would normally get, it did get better reviews than "Cars 2" but it didn't get higher reviews like the other ones but the reviews are solid. So what did I think of this movie?....... I liked it. It does have a good premise and how it teaches you lessons about being brave and overcoming things. I thought the animation was beautifully done. Merida was an awesome female lead character plus this is the first PIXAR film where it actually has a female lead character which is so cool about it. The downside about this film though is how it's not the EPIC adventure that a lot of people, including me, were expecting. The movie also isn't a groundbreaking masterpiece like "Ratatouille", "UP", "Finding Nemo", and the "Toy Story" trilogy at least in my opinion but as a whole I did like it. I must say that by PIXAR's standards, this animated film overall has less humor than any of other PIXAR movies. For those you that didn't like "Cars 2" last summer, please don't hate me for saying this but I had more fun watching "Cars 2" last summer than watching this film. I do recommend this film though but I don't think parents will like it as much as the kids though. I don't know why some of the movie critics say it but they the second half of the movie was just CUTE and very kid-friendly all around with nothing spice it up but you know what, they were dead wrong. The second half of the movie was violent and pretty dark, not as dark as "Toy Story 3" but it was still pretty dark especially near the end of the film like the last 10 minutes or more of the film. There definitely were some parts of the movie that did give the audience huge laughs and I cracked up at some of the parts... not a lot of funny moments to me at least but some parts were hilarious and very amusing. The first half of the movie had more humor. Although, I must say some of the humor in this film surprised me because it's not normally humor that PIXAR would show but let's just say there is a scene where one of the triplet brothers jump inside a woman's breasts (no joke, that was actually in the movie) and there were a few scenes where they actually showed male butts in this film... you don't normally see that animated films so if you have kids or young brother/sisters to see this film just be aware that those are the things in the movie that they show and they were actually one of the scenes that did crack me up. I really enjoyed the relationship between the mother and Merida (the daughter). The action scenes were pretty intense too as the bears in this film do look scary-looking and the action scenes in this film are mainly when it gets dark. A few minutes before the movie ended, it was sad and I don't want to spoil it but it was pretty sad as the movie got close to ending, it didn't make me cry. The triplet brothers in this film did steal the show though but it's just too bad that they weren't used in this film that often and Merida with her bow and arrow is just incredible. The voice acting in this film was just pure magnificent as Kelly MacDonald (from the 2007 film "No Country For Old Men) fit perfectly as the voice of Merida, Billy Connelly was awesome as Fergus (Merida's father), Emma Thompson did a splendid job as Elinor (Merida's mother), Craig Ferguson as the voice the Lord Macintosh was just pure hilarity, and the rest of the voice talents including John Ratzenberger (the man who voices in every single Disney Pixar film... I'm not kidding at all) who voices Gordon in this film. In the end, "Brave" while it's not my favorite PIXAR movie and it ain't groundbreaking like some of the other PIXAR movies is an enjoyable animated film with some good and pure energetic humor, well done action that is both dark and quite scary plus the storyline overall in the second half being dark and violent, terrific voice talents, beautiful animation, well crafted storyline, cool Scottish soundtracks, sweet relationship between the Merida and Elinor which is the mother/daughter relationship, and a freakin' awesome female lead character who also happens to be a good role model on kids (except for maybe the scenes where she and her mother have a huge argument and she says dark things to her mom like "I would rather DIE than be anything like you"). I tried my best to not really spoil anything but they are mostly just things that you should be aware about the film and just like the other PIXAR films "The Incredibles" and "UP", this film does have a PG rating for scary action and rude humor but I will most certainly buy this film on DVD when it releases plus I own every single Disney PIXAR film on DVD so watch this film when you get the chance everyone but go ahead and skip the 3-D (I didn't see it in 3-D but you know, nothing really came out when I saw it in 2-D).

Disney PIXAR's Brave out of 4 stars

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie review

cool poster

I saw this movie after I saw the movie "Disney PIXAR's Brave" and I saw it with my mom, my aunt, my brother, and my cousin in 3-D (which BTW wasn't worth it, only a few scenes pop right at you and that's it) and I liked the film. When I saw the trailer to this film, the first thing I said to myself was "Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! I definitely wanna see that film". I wasn't planning on seeing this movie after seeing "Brave" and just planned on seeing it another time but we decided to make it a double movie day so I got to see this film... hooray!!! The downside to the movie was that it didn't have as much as action as I hoped it would be, there is a lot of action but just not enough though but I was still satisfied on how this film was played out. In fact, it was the storyline that was captivating for me to get into the movie. This movie is very well done and I liked it. Whoever knew such a foolish idea could be pretty darn good? that doesn't normally happen with me, the premise is preposterous but the way it was just handled was terrific. I also really liked the twist how this movie also dealt with the Civil War and slavery. The action scenes in this film are bloody, it's NOT over-the-top bloody like some of the other R-rated films I've seen (For example: the "Saw" trilogy", the "Destination" trilogy) but it still bloody and there were some surprises in the film. I only did jump in one pop-out scene of the movie and it was the first action scene near the beginning of the film... if you've seen this film already like jakratchet12 then he probably knows which scene I'm talking about. The acting in the film was downright great to see and the actor Benjamin Walker really does look like Abraham Lincoln. In the first hour or so of the movie, it's just younger Abraham Lincoln and then later on in like the last 40 minutes of the film or more or less was when we saw our true president Abraham Lincoln with the beard and the hat. The slo-mo action effects during the action scenes were awesome too. I know some of the critics were complaining that the movie had too many slo-mo effects and that it just bored them out of the minds but it didn't bore me, I was blown away by them. My favorite part of the movie is definitely the final action scene of the film which takes in a train.... I LOVE it when action scenes in movies take place on top of a train or inside a train either way it's just my favorite moment to see in action films and that's why it was my favorite action scene in this film. The vampires sure as heck are scary-looking and get you a lot of surprises. I honestly think this movie should've gotten positive reviews by critics because the critics reviews were NOT that great from what I saw and that's disappointing because it ain't a bad film at all. The make-up on the characters in this film also look terrific, I thought the make-up on Benjamin Walker who has the role of Abraham Lincoln looks awesome and that actor really does pull it off as Abraham Lincoln because he does look like him like literally it could be his twin brother. I also really enjoy the fact that this movie has character development, that's one of the things that I really love to see in movies. You also feel sorry for a few of the characters (including Abraham Lincoln) in this film because of what dark things they've witnessed and experiences in their past. This movie is from the director of "Wanted" and it's produced by Tim Burton (yes, die-hard Tim Burton fans... he produced this film) so the director really pulled it off here plus it isn't surprising since "Wanted" had some cool slo-mo action scenes but not as much as this film had. The very ending of the movie also has you thinking also and I got a little confused with the very ending of the movie but I was thinking in my head and said to myself "Okay, maybe this and this can happen or this and that can happen" (I didn't really say it to myself like that in case you were wondering). I would recommend this film if you're up to seeing a lot of blood-sucking vampires. I know the Oscars doesn't really nominate these kinds of movies but if this movie gets nominated for at least one category it should definitely be for "Best Make-Up" because Wow!!! the make-up on the characters here was just amazing. The whole setting and just build-up to the situation is good. In conclusion, "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" is a fun R-rated (yes, it has that rating because of the bloody violence and the brief sex scene) film with terrific make-up, very good bloody vampire action scenes, a foolish yet original idea with a well done storyline, likeable characters, the development between the characters, the whole setting was good, and it's just pretty darn awesome seeing the President of the United States be a vampire hunter.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter out of 4 stars

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

Disney PIXAR's Brave soundtrack "Learn Me Right":

Movie Trailer Of The Blog:

Frankenweenie trailer:

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

i love spongebob

NO MOVIE POSTER OF THE BLOG!!! (both the "Disney PIXAR's Brave" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" posters in my movie reviews are considered movie posterS of the blog anyways)