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EPCC Field Trip/Regular Show clip (for tonight's NEW episode)

Well... since today was my 8th Period OUT Period (which means that I don't have class on that period). I just figured that I make this blog :)

I have my OUT Period for 8th Period on Silver Days which is cool. :) So I have OUT period today, Wednesday, and Friday. Next week is Tuesday and Thursday... well, it goes so on. :) Don't know if I've ever told you guys that before. :)

ANYWAYS, I'm going off topic here.... today I went on my field trip to EPCC (El Paso Community College).

It was an alright field trip.... the campus is small but it is very nice though. I'll give them credit for that but they have a pool table and a room where you can relax and chill with your friends to study and all that which is cool. :)

The tour is probably the best part of the field trip. :)

After the tour, we had to sit down and talk about when we have to register and all that crap.... that's when the field trip started to get very boring. :(

So yeah, it was mixed.... started off excellent then ended very boring.

School starts at 8:45am for me and I walk to school but I had to 10 minutes earlier than I usually wake up on a school day because I had to be ready for my field trip by 8:30am so I had to get to school a little earlier today. :)

After the field trip. lunch time came around so I just decided to come to my house for lunch today. ONE because I wanted to save my lunch money and TWO I was tired out from my field trip and THREE I was hungry. :)

Went to back to school at 12:40pm because that's what time lunch was over but the tardy bell doesn't ring until 12:50pm. :)

7th Period was my Chemistry class and it was pretty good today... I mean, Chemistry is pretty much the only class I can look forward to in the afternoons (mainly because I have my OUT period for 8th afterwards). The class itself is pretty cool. :)

Then after Chemistry class (7th Period), I walked home and I decided to make this blog during my OUT Period (8th Period). :)

School went by very very very quick today though because of that field trip. :) That's pretty much my whole Monday right there :)

In other news, I don't usually discuss NEW episodes of "Regular Show" but I figured I would discuss it for once so I can have at least two topics for this blog. :)

Tonight is the NEW episode of "Regular Show" and I'm really excited about it.... the plot to the episode looks very interesting from what I saw in the promo. :)

Also, I have a clip of tonight's NEW Regular Show episode which is called "Think Positive".

Apparently, tonight's NEW episode is about when Pops tells Benson to stop yelling Mordecai and Rigby because he thinks that it is too negative and it's not good for Benson. Do you think Benson can actually be POSITIVE to Mordecai and Rigby tonight?

Here is the clip of tonight's NEW Regular Show and tell me what you think afterwards:

What did you guys think of the clip?

How will the NEW episode turn out tonight?

PLEASE put your opinions in the comments :)

That's all for my blog today :) Until I make my next blog in the next 2 or 3 days.... see you later users and have a very good and happy reviewing week!!! :)