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First Day of School (A.K.A. First Day of Senior Year)

Hey everyone,

First of all, I reached to Level 29 today which made me feel kinda happy today :)

I know I told a few users about how I'm gonna be a senior this year and you all know that I'm not hyped up about this year. :(

Today was my first day of school as senior (a.k.a. last year of high school). :( I know everyone gets excited about the last year of high school and graduating afterwards but I honestly don't care about my senior year.

My first day of school was just okay but not that good. The only good things about today was going to Whataburger with my best friend Julio for lunch

Yes, my school lets students go off-campus and my high school is next to all of the many choices such as McDonald's, Sonic, The Bagel Shop, Little Caesars, Pizza Hut, WhataBurger, Wal-Mart. Walgreens, Blockbuster, Jack In The Box, Oriental Cafe, GameStop, Quiznos Sub, and many more choices.

Anyways, back to topic. I went to Whataburger with my best friend for lunch today and it was nice.

The other good thing about today was I talked to some of the my friends in my Economics class and we were all laughing hard. Good to see my friends again.

Besides those good things, the rest of the day was just nothing but disappointment and boredom.

I haven't been this negative about anything in a long time. I'm a very happy person most of the time and always see the good in things

BUT today, I was just not acting like myself, I was bored, disappointed, sad, angry, and negative.

Of course, I'm not gonna be negative to my friends... I keep that all to myself BUT whenever my friends say "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited about senior year... are you excited Tony?" and then I would just lie and say "Yeah". :(

Like I said, I honestly don't care about my senior year AT ALL and the only thing I'm gonna do my senior year is just study hard for my tests, do my homework, and make sure everything else is turned in.

Sorry to sound to negative and depressed everyone, I'm usually never like this.... honestly, I'm never like this and haven't been this negative in a long time. :(

Well... I guess that's it for my blog. :( Bye for now everyone :)