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How Can I Make My Blogs More Fun? (Give Me Ideas HERE) + The Avengers News

Hey everyone,

this blog was suppose to be posted yesterday last night but my stupid laptop wouldn't let my post blogs or post comments on a users' blog. Only thing it will let me do is post reviews (THANK GOD!!!). But yeah, it's NOT just one browser so I tested out the others and it still did the same thing. I really hope laptop be like this for a while and will be back to working "me posting blogs and comments" ASAP. In the meantime, I'm using my mom's laptop to make this blog. If I don't respond back to the comments, it's because my laptop still won't let me post comments. If I do respond back to the comments, it's either because I use my mom's laptop, I'm using my Engineering Design's class computer, OR my laptop is back to letting me post comments. Here the blog that should've been posted yesterday but it wasn't

News about "The Avengers":

This movie has grossed over $200 million in the opening weekend at the box office leaving it the highest grossing movie of all time in an opening weekend at the box office and it's also the first movie to gross $200 million which is very impressive for a comic book superhero movie. It even beats Harry Potter's record which I actually found shocking. CLICK HERE to read the article about it:

They are also planning on making "The Avengers 2". They haven't really confirmed when but I'm sure you'll get the news soon about it. What I do know is that "Iron Man 3" is releasing in theaters on May 2013, "Thor 2" releasing in theaters on November 2013, "Captain America 2" releasing in theaters on April 2014, and a Deadpool movie is coming out in 2014 as well. Now here is my complaint about these movies though, these movies come out AFTER "The Avengers" and it's gonna screw up the whole "The Avengers 2" plan so I really hope they don't miss up these movies and that they are at least connected to "The Avengers 2" or at least something. Don't get me wrong, I'll look forward to those future MARVEL movies since I love to watch those movies but I'm just worried about the staff messing it up... I have faith in MARVEL though

Are you shocked "The Avengers"

actually beat "Harry Potter and the

Deathly Hallows Part 2"'s record?

How do you feel about those future

MARVEL movies? Do you think it will

mess up the whole "The Avengers 2"



By the way, sorry if my past couple of blogs have been about Avengers. I just love that movie so much. Speaking of that, I saw the movie for the 2nd time on Saturday and plan to see it for the 3rd time this Saturday. My mom just came back in town today so she's gonna watch Avengers with me this Saturday. I can enjoy watching the movie for the 3rd time while she enjoys watching it for the 1st time. A lot of friends at school have been talking a lot about this movie and I've been getting into a lot of conversations. I guess it's a movie that is worth talking about which it definitely is.

Here is the soundtrack from the movie called "The Avengers theme" (I love this soundtrack... can't stop listening to it)

Also, a few users have reviewed "The Avengers" and I really want to share these reviews because they are all so well written and descriptive about their thoughts about the movie so please read these reviews if you haven't so yet. These reviews are a MUST-READ :D lol

tigerdude22's "The Avengers" movie review

futuramarama's "The Avengers" movie review

That_TV_Dude's "The Avengers" movie review

jakratchet12's "The Avengers" movie review

Now to get to the main topic of the blog (even though The Avengers took up most of my blog), I wanted to ask all of you users this because I try my best to make my blogs more fun and enjoyable to read by also adding pictures and sometimes adding my Favorite Movie Soundtracks but I do know that sometimes a blog won't appeal to everyone so I'm just wondering.

Is there anything you do love to see me talk about in my blogs. Just something that you love for me to do in my blogs and I will try my best to make that happen so that way my blogs can satisfy the users. If you have any ideas on what to do to make my blogs more fun then just pitch in your ideas here :)

How Can I Make My Blogs More Fun?

(Give Me Ideas HERE)

In honor of "The Avengers" being the highest grossing movie of all time in the box office. I'm gonna end this blog by adding 5 pictures from the past MARVEL movies that connect to "The Avengers"

This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Iron Man


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Iron Man 2


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's The Incredible Hulk


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Thor


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Captain America: The First Avenger

Also, enjoy My All-Time Favorite Soundtrack from the movie called "Captain America March (which is also the theme)"

i love this movie