CLICK HERE to read my blog "tigerdude22's Disney PIXAR movie idea/Last Day Of School/Madagascar 3 midnight showing" if you missed it:
CLICK HERE to read my blog "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted movie review" if you missed it:
Very quickly, I'm gonna each on what happened during my past couple of days in one sentence each. You already that I celebrated my aunt's birthday on Thursday along with us seeing "Madagascar 3" at the midnight showing. Friday was my best friend's cookout which was a lot of fun... all my best friend and I did was just talk and he is leaving to California for college so I won't see my best friend for a while but we will Skype each other though. Saturday was my Graduation Party and that was a total blast for me, I had a water slide, we played musical chairs like 30 minutes, there was a DJ, there was cake, and just everything else... with also the gifts (mostly money) I got from my family, I've gotten at least over $400 total (I know more people probably have gotten more money than that but it's still a lot of money to me and I'm gonna use that money to buy myself my OWN laptop).
AND Sunday (last night) my friends. I, tigerdude22, have officially graduated high school which means that I am now considered a high school graduate and I'll be ready for college in the fall semester. For my graduation present, my mom have a stuffed animal GRADUATION Mickey Mouse who is wearing a cap and gown and holds a diploma. My diploma looks very nice and going up on stage getting my diploma and shaking hands made me smile big time. My graduation was crazy though because a bunch of people were screaming for everytime called named and even one of my friends sitting next to me screams very loud and my ears were hurting. So yeah, I did NOT expect my graduation to be full of people screaming but I guess that shows the spirit. After graduation, the seniors were going to an after graduation party called "Project Grad" at a country club but I didn't wanna go (it was from 10:00pm-5:00am by the way) so I INSTEAD celebrated after graduation at Peter Piper Pizza with my family. Yes, yes, yes, I get it... a high school graduate going to Peter Piper Pizza.. I didn't really decide, my family just suggested it and I was like "Okay, I don't mind plus I feel like eating pizza" so yeah. In conclusion, my graduation is a night I will never forget and I was happy saying good-bye to my friends. SURPRISINGLY, I didn't feel sad saying good-bye to them, I smiled at them and just told them good luck in the future and they will accomplish great things.
P.S. on Friday (6/8/2012), my next-door neighbor was selling puppies and was having a hard time giving it a home and she came to us and asked if we wanted another dog. We already have two dogs. One who happens to be an outside and guard dog (German Shephard) and the other one who is a house dog (Beagle) and my mom wanted to go ahead and make it one of my graduation presents so I decided to just get the puppy and my mom only bought for $150 because this puppy is a pure breed so that's actually a good deal. The puppy is a Schnauzer dog and it's 8 weeks old so my brother and I are training it but my house dog (Beagle) is STILL trying to get used to the puppy because my housedog (Beagle, the coward) happens to be scared of the little puppy but not only that... the puppy bugs me beagle dog when it's trying to sleep but it's funny at the same time just seeing it. So I NOW have three dogs in total. One dog who is outside and the other two dogs who live inside my house so yeah.
Is the movie "Prometheus" a Prequel,
Spin-Off, or just a Stand Alone Sci-Fi
Movie? (Explain Your Reason)
I'm asking this question but there have been a lot of arguments lately about whether this movie is a prequel or not so I thought it would be cool if I actually talked about it with you, my friends. I honestly DO THINK it's a prequel because ONE the letters to form that movie title are the same and they the SAME exact alien screaming noise like no joke.
COMPARE THE "Alien" trailer to "Prometheus" trailer RIGHT HERE in these links:
"Alien" 1979 trailer:
"Prometheus" 2012 trailer:
So yeah, what you do guys think about that? Also, this funny dude named Jeremy Jahns makes these movie reviews and he made a video about this so click on this link to check it out
NOTE: Jeremy Jahns will give you this warning also but his video will contain SPOILERS from the movie "Prometheus". If you've seen the movie already then you're obviously okay to see this video then:
Jeremy Jahn's video "Prometheus: Alien Prequel or Alien Spin-Off?":
Like I said, I just honestly think it's a prequel because it plays the same alien screaming noise, it takes place in the same setting, and you notice similarities but that's just my opinion. I do wanna hear what you guys think. :)
Box Office Winner:
Well, this topic isn't too long and I don't normally do this. In fact, it's the FIRST time I've actually done this in my blogs but I just thought I tell you guys who won the box office this weekend and you tell me what you think. :)
This weekend, "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" and "Prometheus" have competed against each other this weekend so who is the winner of the box office.
THE WINNER OF THE BOX OFFICE THIS WEEKEND IS..................................
CLICK HERE for a QUICK drum roll sound effect:
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Yes everyone, Madagascar 3 has beat "Prometheus" in the box office. I'm not surprised that Madagascar 3 won though since it was one of the year's most anticipated movies BUT then again, "Prometheus" was highly anticipated also so yeah. Anyways, I LOVED "Madagascar 3" and I actually thought it's the greatest animated comedy of the year 2012 so that's good.
What Do You Think? Are You Happy Madagascar 3
Won The Box Office? Did You Want Prometheus To
Win Instead? Which Movie Would Have Wanted To
Win This Weekend? (Tell Me In The Comments!!!)
AND one last thing everyone. I'm NOT the only user that graduated from high school but there are others as well. Everyone, I want to give a SHOUT-OUT to the graduates and just congratulate for their accomplishments and I know that that they make a wonderful future and just for them to keep following their dreams and NOT giving up.
Everyone!!! I would love to congratulate jakratchet12, futuramarama, and Sami5118 on graduating high school
CLICK HERE for an applause on these high school graduates:
I'm so happy for all of you users and I'm pretty sure everyone is happy for you as well so this is a huge congratulations from your TV,com friend tigerdude22 :)
ALSO, I would love to congratulate ollibot284 on graduating college which will be this Saturday so everyone, once again, click on the applause link in honor this dude graduating and a big congratulations. You're gonna do terrific on whatever career you want to have.
CLICK HERE for an applause on this college graduate:
MOVIE TRAILER OF THE BLOG!!! (I'll go ahead and just the "Alien" and "Prometheus" trailers the Movie TrailerS Of The Blog only because I don't feel like thinking of a new movie trailer to put on right now :D haha)
Cartoon GRADUATION Character Of The Blog:
Since it's my graduation blog, I figured I replace that "Cartoon/TV Show Picture" category to "Graduation Cartoon Character" just for this blog. This is to all of the graduates of 2012 and me as well :) Congratulations, once again to those that graduated this year. Consider this image your graduation present from me. :)
Movie SoundtrackS Of The Blog:
Madagascar 3 soundtrack "New York Surprise" (My NEW FAVORITE!!!):
Madagascar 3 soundtrack "Game On" (My other NEW FAVORITE!!!):