Hey Everyone,
you already know who I am.
I just wanted to make this blog because I need more things to review.
You TV.com users get to request on what shows you want me to review.
Even if I haven't seen the show before, I'll still it.
All you have to do is tell me the name the show and episode of that show for me to review and then once I review the episode of that show, I will message you saying that I reviewed an episode of a show you requested. :D
For example: A user wants me to review one or two episodes from the "The Office", I will review it whenever I can and then will message that user. :D
I'm doing this because I figured it would be fun for you guys to request an episode from a show for me to review. :D
Here is the also fun part. :D I'll mention your username at the end of whatever episode of a show you requested so I can remember that moment. :D
Remember, that it could be more than one episode from a show or more than one show. :D I don't care how many I get, I'll have fun reviewing the shows of an episode that you requested. :D Even if I haven't seen that show before, I'll search for it on youtube.com :D Have fun with this and I hope you guys find this fun as well. :D