Hey everyone,
Today is the last day of school and I'm so excited that summer began.
Dang, my junior year went by very fast this year.
My final exams this week have been very good
I am exempt from my Orchestra class which means I don't have to come to school in the morning to take it. I'm NOT exempt from my US History final exam so I have to go to school for the afternoon to take it but it's just the last final exam of the year so I'm very excited.
If you're last day of school is on Friday, June 3rd, 2011 just like mine then I hope you have a wonderful summer.
WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I can't believe it's the last day of school... I'm very happy.
Also, new SpongeBob tomorrow Saturday morning at 8:00am... at least at El Paso, Texas, that's what time the new episode will air but I'm pretty sure the other countries air an hour earlier or an hour later.
Anyways, as I mentioned in my last blog post, I'm NOT looking forward to the new episode but I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that it is very good because I don't want to be disappointed.
Also, tomorrow Saturday at 6:00pm is my cousin's graduation BUT I'll make a blog about that tomorrow on Saturday night.
How is everyone doing and what are your plans for the summer.
I'll make a blog later on during the summer about what my plans are
Bye for now.