Well, I'm beginning to run out of shows/episodes to review. Luckily, the shows that I either LIKE or LOVE are returning with new seasons. There are a couple of NEW shows I'm looking forward to as well.
I am going to watch and REVIEW all these shows this fall. Hopefully, I won't get too behind since school gets in the way. I'll try to make a good effort to review of these shows every single week :)
NEW shows/NEW seasons:
(1.) SpongeBob SquarePants (NEW season)- Friday, September 16th, 2011 (Although it's not really a new season since Season 8 just began in March BUT Nick take a break for 2 months from airing new SpongeBob episodes and the promo said "NEW season" so I'll just put it in this list even though the NEW season which is Season 8 already began in March) :D LOL
(2.) My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (NEW season)- Saturday, September 17th, 2011
(3.) Regular Show (NEW season)- Monday, September 19th, 2011
(4.) Two and a Half Men (NEW season)- Monday, September 19th, 2011
(5.) New Girl (NEW show)- Tuesday, September 20th, 2011
(6.) Modern Family (NEW season)- Wednesday, September 21st, 2011
(7.) The Office (NEW season)- Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
(8.) The Big Bang Theory (NEW season)- Thursday, September 22nd, 2011
(9.) Family Guy (NEW season)- Sunday, September 25th, 2011
(10.) The Simpsons (NEW season)- Sunday, September 25th, 2011
(11.) American Dad (NEW season)- Sunday, September 25th, 2011
(12.) Last Man Standing (NEW show)- Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
(13.) The Walking Dead (NEW season)- Sunday, October 16th, 2011
(14.) Once Upon A Time (NEW show)- Sunday, October 23rd, 2011
I didn't put "The Cleveland Show" on the list because I don't like the show and I don't know why I was generous when I reviewed it. I am to re-write my review of that cartoon soon. I'll just the show so I can review the episodes.
That's all for my blog :D