Wanna see LAST YEAR's Q&A Blog? click on the link here: http://www.tv.com/users/tigerdude22/profile.php?action=show_blog&entry=m-100-25935963
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Red and Blue but I'll go ahead and say "Blue"
Q: What is your favorite television show?
A: SpongeBob SquarePants, of course I have more favorites but this one is my ALL-TIME favorite.
Q: What's your favorite book?
A: I don't really read but the "Curious George" books
Q: What's your favorite song?
A: "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey
Q: What's your favorite music artist or band?
A: AC/DC but I do have more
Q: What's your favorite subject in school?
A: I'll say "science" just because it's one of my easier classes
Q: What job or career do you want in the future?
A: Movie Critic
Q: What are your least favorite shows?
A: Adventure Time, Total Drama: Revenge of the Island (as of right now), Planet Sheen, Friends, GLEE, How To Rock, Level Up, and more
Q: What are your least favorite movies?
A: Jack and Jill, Conan The Barbarian, Red Riding Hood, Twilight, Priest, and more
Q: How did you hear of TV.com?
A: I saw the link "SpongeBob SquarePants-TV.com". Clicked on it and it took me straight here
Q: What college do you want to go to?
A: Well, I'm staying here at home so I'm going to EPCC (El Paso Community College)
Q: What is your favorite film of all time?
A: One of my favorites is the "Toy Story" trilogy
Q: What are some films and/or TV shows that you are anticipating?
A: For TV shows, the NEW SpongeBob episode guest starring Johnny Knoxville from the MTV show "Jackass" and the 5th season of "Breaking Bad". For movies, "The Dark Knight Rises", "Disney PIXAR's Monsters University", "Ted", and more.
Q: What is your favorite episode of SpongeBob?
A: One of my favorites from Season 8 is "Mooncation". One of my favorites from the earlier seasons is "The Camping Episode"
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: One of my favorites is "Inception"
Q: What is your least favorite movie?
A: One of my least favorites is "Fast and Furious" (4th movie)
Q: This was a long questions so I'm gonna TRY my best to shorten but "Can you tell me what the histories and tradition of Mexican history is?"
A: I'll try my best to answer this one but they sport they love is "futbol" (soccer". The best Mexican drink in the world is Horchata (which happens to be my favorite drink of all time). Histories include Pancho Villa, Billy The Kid, and all that stuff. They celebrate holidays like "Cinco De Mayo", "Mexican Mother's Day", and more.
Q: Have you ever though my attitude on this forum was a little mean?
A: No, I never though your attitude was rude or any of that stuff at all
Q: What is your favorite thing to do on this site: blog, review, post, or contribute?
A: Blogs but I also love reviews too BUT my answer is "blogs"
Q: What is your least favorite thing about this site?
A: The submissions are a little bit more harder to do every since they changed the system for this website
Q: How do you think this site will be different if you and I never became friends?
A: I wouldn't read blogs from you every day, I wouldn't be able to tell someone about "Breaking Bad", and more stuff.
Q: What is the best movie-going experience you've ever had?
A: One of my BEST was "The Avengers"
Q: What is the worst movie-going experience you've ever had?
A: Red Riding Hood... uh, I hated that movie
Q: Do you like my blogs, or do you think they're lame and just feel compelled to answer them because we're good friends?
A: Your blogs are never lame and I say that truthfully
Q: Have you ever met anyone off TV.com in real life?
A: Before he joined this site, I went to middle school with this TV.com user which is jakratchet12. He moved to another state by the time I started high school but he still keep in touch on here and Facebook. jakratchet12 is the only user I know in real life.
Q: (optional) If you have, how was their personality different or the same as how they act on here?
A: Well, he loved to talk about movies, tv shows, and video games and he does the same thing on this website so I think his personality is still the same. He's a cool guy though and he can be funny too.
Q: If there anyone off here you would like meet?
A: A lot of TV.com users I'm friends with pretty much, to be honest
Q: How often do you go to midnight premieres for movies?
A: As of the year 2012, this is the year I've went to the most midnight showings. I've went to the midnight showings for "The Hunger Games", "The Avengers", "Men In Black III", "Snow White and the Huntsman", and "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted".
Q: Is there something you've always wanted to tell me but never did?
A: No I think I've told you everything since I've joined this website
Q: Do you ever regret joining this site?
A: Heck no, I love this website too much and I don't regret thing about it
Q: What is your favorite TV show new in the past year?
A: the new show ROB! but unfortunately CBS canceled it
Q: Which actress do you find the hottest?
A: Tough question BUT Kristen Bell
Q: What are your Top 10 movies of 2012 so far? or Top 5 whichever haha
A: I'm gonna do Top 5 which will be OUT OF ORDER :) (1)21 Jump Street (2)Chronicle (3)Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (4) The Avengers (5) The Grey
Q: When did you start reviewing?
A: The first day I joined this website which was February 12, 2011
Q: Who inspired you to review shows?
A: futuramarama, That_TV_Dude, marebear2009, and thefanof
Q: Are you looking forward to DC's new show "Gravity Falls"?
A: I actually got to see the first episode of that new cartoon after the AWFUL DCOM "Let It Shine". I actually enjoyed the first episode and some parts made me laugh. I'll need to see more episodes though.
Q: What is your favorite candy?
A: Kit Kat
Q: What is the most hilarious thing in the world to you?
A: My family
Q: If you could be an inventor for a machine or a device, what would it be?
A: iPad 3
Q: If you could live any place else in Texas, besides El Paso, where would it be?
A: Austin, Texas because I every time I go there to visit my cousins.... it's like a dream come true because it's so green and beautiful and I just love it there so most likely Austin, Texas. :)
These are the pictures requested by modernfamily120 (please follow him). No one else requested pictures for my Q&A blog 2 but him.
From the Modern Family episode "Leap Day"
From Saturday Night Live with Maya Rudolph and Sleigh Bells
Since this blog is still getting comments (Hooray!!! :D that makes me very happy) which is understandable since the most anticipated movies when it comes to my movie reviews gets the most comments. Here is a link for "Disney PIXAR's Brave/Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie reviews" and I'll still be checking comments for this blog: http://www.tv.com/users/tigerdude22/profile.php?action=show_blog&entry=m-100-25987729