CLICK HERE to read my previous blog "tigerdude22's Movie Trilogy Idea (Tell Me Your Thoughts About The Idea Please!!!)". I don't want you to miss out on this blog and want to hear your thoughts about it... BE HONEST!!!:
Don't mind this, I just put it in my blog to help me remind myself about my final exams plus the schedule is a bit confusing to follow after a while so yeah. If that day is crossed out, it means that I got through that final exam day :)
tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:
Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)
Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)
Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)
Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)
Final Exams I'm EXEMPT from:
Period 3 (afternoon)
Period 5 (morning)
Period 2 (morning)
Period 6 (morning)
Period 8 (afternoon)
Final Exams I'm Taking because I'm obviously NOT exempt:
Period 1 (morning)
Period 7 (afternoon)
Period 4 (afternoon)
This next note will help me remind me as well so I don't forget. :)
Graduation Rehearsal is on Monday the 4th of June at 5:00pm and it's mandatory so I need to go and I DON'T need to bring my cap and gown
Friday (6/1/2012) for final exam day was good. I only had to take my 1st Period Government Final Exam and while it was 100 questions long, it seemed easy so hopefully I'll pass that one. By the time the bell rang at 11:38am, I was finished with school for today. My best friend and I were both exempted from our 3rd Period Final Exam so we hanged out at my house for a while. My best friend and I just talked... our conversations were mostly about movies like we both complaining about Paramount delaying G.I. Joe: Retaliation, we were talking about the funniest moments in The Avengers, how it's cool that Chuck Norris is in Expendables 2, etc. so yeah. He and I love to talk about movies. He loves to play video games and even though I don't play video games that much, we still talked a little about video games. By the time it was 1:25pm, my best friend's older brother picked hm up from my house. :)
These are the movie trailers that they showed IN ORDER before the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman" started:
1. The Bourne Legacy trailer (NEW trailer)
2. Les Miserables OFFICIAL trailer
3. Total Recall trailer
4. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift trailer (NEW trailer)
YouTube probably didn't post it yet but about 40% of the trailer was the same and 60% of the trailer had new footages from the move in there but this trailer should be good. :)
5. Rock of Ages trailer (NEW trailer)
6. Katy Perry: Part Of Me OFFICIAL trailer
7. House At The End Of The Street OFFICIAL trailer
Snow White and the Huntsman movie review
I saw this movie at the midnight showing with my mom, my mom's friend, my aunt, my cousin, my cousin's friend, my cousin's husband and I'm here to give you my movie review so here is goes. So two Snow Whites have come out this year. One is "Mirror Mirror" (I haven't seen that movie yet) which is a comedy version of Snow White and the other one is apparently this one which has a dark tone. Now I'm very glad that I didn't get over-hyped about this movie because it really wasn't that good. The movie is just okay and it wasn't terrible but it was could have been so much better. If you're getting really excited about this movie, don't get your hopes up because it really wasn't that good. I did think the dark storyline to the film was well done. I thought Charlize Theron was AWESOME as the Evil Queen and her performance as that character was strong and very well done so terrific job to her. Chris Hemsworth was good as the Huntsman too so there's no complaints about him. Kristen Stewart as Snow White? I can't believe I'm saying this WASN'T SO BAD and I got used to her as the character Snow White as the movie was going on. It's got some awesome visual effects and I thought the dwarves in this movie were cool-looking. Although, there are 8 dwarves in this film instead of 7... weird, huh?. There are positives about this film now I'm gonna get to the negatives with you all. One of the genres of this movie was that it was ACTION but the movie itself really did NOT have a lot of action going on. Even when there was an action scene in the movie, it would only last 1 minute or 2 minutes and that's it. The pacing of the movie was also SO DANG SLOW. I'm not kidding with you, the pacing of the movie was NOT well done because it dragged, got boring, and really went slow almost throughout the movie. The middle part is the most boring part of the movie and I even almost fell asleep because of how boring it was. 30 minutes before the final battle scene of the movie, there was absolutely NO action scenes going on within those 30 minutes and it was just talking. All I can say is I was ready to go home and go to sleep because this movie was NOT worth watching at the midnight showing. Also, after when that slow pacing comes... the final battle scene FINALLY comes but even that didn't make up for the boredom because it was only in the last 10 minutes of the movie, that's how short the final battle scene was. Of course, the final battle scene was cool and it actually woke me up but with it being that short, I was just like "Wow!!! is that it?". The very ending of the movie was also not very good and made me roll my eyes. I mean, it doesn't have the worst ending I've ever seen in movie history but it just wasn't a very good ending. The movie is 2 hours long but with the movie mostly being boring, dragged on, and slow... it feels so much more longer than 2 hours. MIB3 and The Avengers are WAY better movies than this one so I recommend you go those movies instead of this one. I don't know if I should recommend this movie to you or not, it really depends on your opinion and what you see in the movie but just because I don't want you to suffer through boredom like I did, I will say that I DON'T recommend this movie. The movie isn't terrible but it just could have been better. I got into the movie for like the first 30-40 minutes of the movie and then after that, the magic of just liking this movie was completely lost. To rap up the review, "Snow White and the Huntsman" is good on plotting, acting, and visual effects but when you have to sit in the theater for 2 hours watching this movie with nothing much going on in this film... it's just hard to enjoy this movie more so all-in-all it's an okay movie but I already forgot about it 5 minutes after I walked out of the theater.
Snow White and the Huntsman out of 4 stars
NO MOVIE TRAILER OF THE BLOG!!! (7 trailers listed before my movie review are considered movie trailerS of the blog anyway)
NO MOVIE POSTER OF THE BLOG!!! (the movie poster in my movie review is considered that)
Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:
Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:
"Back In Time" by Pitbull (Men In Black 3 END CREDITS soundtrack)
MY thought about the song: I'm NOT into Pitbull songs that much really but I gotta admit that this was a pretty good song and it got stuck in my head for a while now. As soon as I this song came in the END CREDITS for MIB3, I just had to stick around just to listen to the song but to also read the credits :) Excuse Me for being a huge movie person haha