Nothing much has happened all this week and all I did was just stayed home and relaxed, play with my dogs especially with the new puppy I mentioned to you all in my previous blog.
My German Shephard dog (the outside and guard dog) is getting along with the new puppy very well and they already become good to each other. My new puppy already knows how to use the doggie door so he would go outside a lot just to visit my German Shephard. My beagle dog (house dog) on the other hand is NOT getting used to it. Also, when my beagle dog tries to fall asleep... the new puppy keep jumping on her, following her, and even barks at her. Don't worry, they didn't get in a fight or anything because I've trained them not to fight or bite each other but they just KINDA mildly growled at each other and my beagle dog is even hiding from the new puppy just to get peace and quiet. My beagle dog needs to get used to the new puppy and it's already been exactly a week since we've had this new puppy so I'm sure they will get along one way or another.
During the week, my family and I went to the dollar movies and saw "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" and "The Lucky One". :) I'll give you short movie review on both of them very quickly. And Wednesday, I just went to my doctor appointment to get a few shots. :)
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax- This was just an okay animated movie in my opinion. It's not the best animated movie I've ever seen though. The movie does have its good/funny moments but it has its kinda crappy and not-so-great moments at times and it's just kinda cheesy. The animation at times is very good while other times it's choppy in my opinion. I'll admit, those bears are very cute and there was one scene in the movie that I found to be sad and even almost cried in... if you've seen this movie then you can probably guess which one. The musical numbers okay I guess. For the most part this is just an okay animated movie. Probably wouldn't watch this movie again unless I'm watching it with younger kids.
out of 4 stars
The Lucky One- When I saw the promos this film, I was thinking to myself "Man, this movie looks dumb and not very good". Anyways my mom, my cousin, and I saw this movie while my aunt went to go see "Mirror Mirror" (she liked it by the way) and I was actually surprised by this film. Now, I'm not saying it's a good film because it isn't but it's a FAIRLY good film. The movie was actually pretty good and at times it can either be a little funny or pretty funny. I enjoyed Zac Efron's character in this film and I enjoyed the romance between Zac Efron and that blond girl plus it is sad too but yeah. It's not a bad film. For the 10 minutes of the movie, I wasn't buying it and it felt rushed and and at time it was dumb on how it handled but after 10 minutes then it actually picked up. If you're into love stories then this is probably the movie for you. Overall, it's a FAIRLY good film but not like the best film ever.
out of 4 stars
That's pretty much it for this week and it's nothing but relaxation. I'm trying to push myself into catching up on my reviews but I've been too lazy to do reviews lately but I was able to do some reviews at least this week. :)
SpongeBob's Stop-Motion Christmas TRAILER:
For those you that check the SpongeBob updates, you've already known that Nickelodeon has announced a stop-motion SpongeBob Christmas special since August 2011 so we're pretty much waiting 1 year and a half for this stop-motion Christmas special. For those of you that didn't know about it, you NOW know thanks to me, your friend tigerdude22. The trailer for it finally released today and I think the the stop-motion in this looks awesome and it looks like it will be an amazing Christmas special and I just can't wait to see it since I really love this cartoon. Just 6 more months, just 6 more months. :) CLICK on the link and tell me what you think afterwards :)
CLICK HERE to see the trailer for "It's A SpongeBob Christmas":
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Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:
Disney PIXAR's Up soundtrack "Married Life" (such a beautiful and highly moving soundtrack... I LOVE it):
Movie Trailer Of The Blog:
Wreck It Ralph trailer:
Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:
Movie Poster Of The Blog: