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The Avengers movie review




The midnight showing was a lot of fun last night. The midnight showing was just like the midnight showings for "Harry Potter", "The Hunger Games", and "Twilight where all 14 theatres are taken. That' right, all 14 theatres were taken and there were a lot of people and even ran into some friends from school. I even ran into a few friends that I don't see anymore because they are at a different school so that was cool. The midnight times were 12:01am all the way through 12:14am :) I was my mom, my brother, my brother's friend, and I that went to the midnight showing. :)

Also, school today (5/4/2012) is probably the laziest school day I've ever had because:

5th Period-English IV: We watched the movie "Lord of the Flies" because we've read the book for the past couple of weeks.

6th Period-Orchestra IV: My teacher wasn't there today. We didn't play our instruments, we just sat in the room chatting, laughing, and all that good stuff. Although, there was NO substitute in the room which is kinda weird but oh well.

Lunch- My brother, three of my brother's friends, my friend, and I went to my house for lunch and just ate

7th Period-Chemistry: We watched "MythBusters" and we only had to write down 15 scientific facts about it and it wasn't hard at all. I already got 15 facts after 35 minutes and enjoyed the rest of the video

8th Period-OUT Period: I have no class here. That is what OUT means haha.

Before I get to my review, these are the trailers that

showed before the movie "The Avengers" began

(these trailers will be IN ORDER by the way):

1. Disney Pixar's BRAVE (NEW trailer):

2. G.I. Joe: Retaliation (They should've

showed the NEW trailer though but they


3. The Dark Knight Rises (NEW trailer)

4. The Amazing Spider-Man (NEW


5. Prometheus (NEW trailer)

That's all the trailers they showed before "The Avengers" began.

Something that I found to be an LOL moment:After that "Prometheus" trailer was over, there was only one person that clapped while everyone else was all quiet but I was laughing so hard and a quarter of the audience were laughing as well because that trailer only got ONE clap which I found hilarious. The other trailers claps. The trailers being wooed, whistled, and clapped would be "The Dark Knight Rises" and "The Amazing Spider-Man". Although, "The Dark Knight Rises" is the trailer that got the loudest claps, loudest whistles, and loudest "YEAH!" that I've ever heard and I was one of those people shouting "Yeah!!! Woohoo!!! Batman rules". :D LOL

The Avengers movie review


I saw the midnight showing for this movie at the 12:02am showing in 3-D and if you read along, you will see what I thought about the movie. Okay, so ever since the movie "The Incredible Hulk" released in theaters in June 2008, that movie was the start to bring Avengers. If you've seen the "The Incredible Hulk" then you remember the scene at the very end of the movie with Iron Man a.k.a. Tony Stark talking to the general bring together a group of superheroes that happened to be the most remarkable. And from there, it was next the movie "Iron Man 2" then "THOR" came and last movie to be released before Avengers came was "Captain America: The First Avenger". So after 4 years of waiting, the movie is finally here. This has been a very long wait for me and after what I saw, I'm gonna watch this movie again most definitely. This movie is so awesome. And it's not just awesome because of the action-packed scenes with very very impressive special effects but it's also got a very good storyline, each of the characters in this movie were very unique and just plain fantastic, and the development between the characters are just awesome. Mark Ruffalo (who replaced Edward Norton in "The Incredible Hulk") did a very good job acting as Bruce Banner/The Hulk. I also must say this but not only has the movie full of action but it was also full of comedy. There was a lot of humor going on this movie and everyone in the audience including me laughed out loud at almost every single moment... this movie was very good at comedic timing like they said or do something funny when they need to be. Of course, the past MARVEL movies have gotten a good amount of humor so it was really no surprise that this movie was gonna have a ton of humor. I enjoyed every single of the superheros' moves in this movie. I enjoyed seeing Captain American using his shield and throwing it, I enjoying seeing Iron Man fly and just shooting zaps out of his suit, I enjoying seeing Thor spinning his hammer plus throwing it, I enjoyed seeing The Hulk hulking out even though he only did it twice in this movie which is really my only gripe about it, I enjoyed seeing Hawkeye using his bow and arrows, and I have most certainly enjoyed the Black Widow being more involved here in than she was in "Iron Man 2". I also love the fact that this movie has a few supporting actors from the other MARVEL movies like Gwyneth Paltrow from "Iron Man" was here, the Agent C and the father from "Thor" were here, and OF COURSE (we've all known this) Loki from "Thor" is here. Also, if you're one of those people that doesn't like superhero or action-type movies but turn out to be like/love this one, don't be biased and say you hated this movie because it would be impossible to hate this movie. So yeah, whether you like/love superhero movies or not, "The Avengers" will definitely be the movie for everyone to have a fun time watching. To end the review, "The Avengers" has well developed characters, tons of awesome and mind-blowing action sequences, excellent amount of humor, magnificent acting, and it's got a storyline that will just keep you entertained and I am very proud and pleased to call it the BEST MARVEL movie that I have ever seen. This movie is a MUST-SEE, please don't wait til' DVD... it's will be worth watching on the big screen and the movie did look very cool in 3-D, not too many things popped out in 3-D but there were some pop outs and it was awesome. PS stay after the credits of the movie to see a clip.

The Avengers out of 4 stars