tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:
Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)
Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)
Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)
Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)
Final Exams I'm EXEMPT from:
Period 3 (afternoon)
Period 5 (morning)
Period 2 (morning)
Period 6 (morning)
Period 8 (afternoon)
Final Exams I'm Taking because I'm obviously NOT exempt:
Period 1 (morning)
Period 7 (afternoon)
Period 4 (afternoon)
As you can see from my schedule, I am OFFICIALLY done with my final exam week and I have crossed out with single one of them because I'm done everyone.
Last Day Of School:
Yesterday (Wednesday June 6, 2012) was my last day of school. I only had to go to school for 45 minutes because I was exempt from both morning and afternoon and I only had to go for the review period. But yeah, it was last official day of high school. I'm gonna admit, after I took one last look at my school and said good-bye to some to my friends... I walked through the doors of my school and I started to get sad. I turn around look at my school, tell it good-bye in my mind, and just walked home all sad. I really am gonna miss going to high school and I'll cherish the memories I've had. Now all I have is graduation this Sunday night and it will be the start where my life changes so yeah. It was a good last day of school but for most part, I was sad throughout the day thinking about it so it might take me a few days to get over it. Woohoo to no more high school though. I know there's TV.com users like futuramarama, and a few more users graduating this year as well so I would like to say a good congratulations to all of you. :)
tigerdude22's Disney PIXAR movie idea:
I've shown you my three-movie western/action/comedy movie trilogy "Rodeo", I showed you the romance/comedy movie "Happy Anniversary", and I've showed you my action//crime/thriller movie "Demolition Men". But now, I'm gonna share with you ONE of the Disney PIXAR movie idea that I came up with and I've actually just came up with it today, I was immediately inspired into making this idea and popped into my head. I have a few more Disney PIXAR movie ideas but I'm gonna save those for later sometime in the future.
Movie Title: Tap Dancing Tiger
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, PIXAR animation studios (or just Disney PIXAR)
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Family
Description: There was a baby tiger who was loved so much by his parents, the baby tiger were the parent's most beloved gift in the world and wouldn't trade it and it was the happiest life for the parents and the baby tiger. On a dark and tragic night, a group of hunters go into the jungle and kill both of the baby tiger's parents. The baby tiger runs away into the jungle far far away and finds himself in the city of Chicago. The baby tiger (now with no parents) is very lonely walking around Chicago. The baby tiger is scared, cold, lost, and is crying... poor baby tiger :( makes me you wanna cry, huh?. But just when the baby tiger thought he was alone... he isn't, he meets a stray beagle puppy and an abandoned baby monkey. As the baby tiger, stray beagle puppy, and abandoned baby monkey meet each other... they decide to stick together. As a 10 year old little girl along her parents were walking down the streets, they see the three lonely animals and the little girl really wants to take them home where they will have love, food, and a family. The parents were okay with the little 10 year old girl taking home the stray beagle puppy and the abandoned monkey but they were not so sure about taking home a baby tiger knowing that it's gonna grow up to be a huge and dangerous tiger. The vet was testing the tiger and it apparently doesn't have the personality to be dangerous, it is in fact the most friendliest and I guess you can say... sensitive tiger ever so the tiger comes home with the little 10 year old girl. It's 5 Years Later, the little girl is now 15 years old and the tiger, monkey, and beagle dog are all grown up... not much of them has changed, only thing that has changed that they have grown especially the tiger. Whenever the tiger and the 15 year old girl walk around town, everyone is afraid of the tiger and even the animal control don't want any part of it and they think it's threatening and dangerous when it's friendly and sensitive. The tiger loves to listen to jazz music and actually wants to be a tap dancer. The tiger along with the beagle and monkey watch television about tap dancing and the tiger is just so fascinated by it that he wants to be a tap dancer and he lives his dream by becoming a tap dancer and entertaining the town of Chicago. He wants his life to be something bigger than a tiger and actually wants to be treated like a human but it's hard when everyone is scared of him. The tiger is so tired of them being scared that they he will do whatever it takes to make it to the top of the list as the best tap dancer ever and make people not be afraid of him anymore. It's a Disney PIXAR movie that everyone should enjoy as it has comedy to make you laugh hard, tragic and heartwarming moments to make you cry, and just an all-around inspiring movie about to always follow your dream and that you shouldn't judge a human (or animal... in this case for the film) by its looks because you'll be surprised on what kind of nice personality it has. This is probably one of my most inspiring movie ideas that I've ever came up with.
Rated G
BE HONEST!!! I won't get hurt if you don't like the idea
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted midnight showing:
This will probably be brief but I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to the midnight showing for this animated movie and I'm excited about it since I loved the first two Madagascar films. I'm going to this midnight showing with two of my cousins, one of my cousin's husband, one of my cousin's boyfriend, my aunt, my mom, and my brother. Expect a movie review either tomorrow or sometime next week. :)
Also, I'm gonna go to my best friend's cookout on Friday and I'm having my graduation party at my house on Saturday where my family rented me a water slide and a DJ to put on music so my family and some of my friends from school can have fun and enjoy it plus my Graduation is on Sunday night. :) That's all for my blog :) If you haven't heard from me for the past few days then you know why. :)
Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:
"Hoppipolla" by Sigur Ros (listen to this song... it was very powerful and beautiful and it makes me cry every time... it was played during the movie "We Bought A Zoo")
Movie Trailer Of The Blog:
The Odd Life of Timothy Green trailer
Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:
Movie Poster Of The Blog: