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tigerdude22's Movie Trilogy Idea (Tell Me Your Thoughts On The Idea Please!!!)

Before I get to the main topic of the blog. Here is I'm gonna say. I feel like spending quality family time with cousins plus my mom, my brother, and my aunt so even though I'm not too interested in this movie. I'm gonna go to the midnight showing for "Snow White and the Huntsman". Of course, they could've picked a better actress to play Snow White instead of Kristen Stewart but it looks kinda interesting other than that issue so yeah I'm gonna go. Yes, I've been going to midnight showings a lot lately, don't say it :D haha I didn't make a midnight showing blog for this movie though, is because I'll only make midnight showing blogs if ONE I have absolutely 0 topic to talk about or TWO I'm so excited about this movie that I actually want to make a midnight showing blog about it.

As for the rest of this week

Today was my last Purple Day of just going to class. BTW, I was gonna make this blog yesterday but since I was so busy working on my Government project, I just couldn't make this blog at all. I brought my laptop along to my Government class (which is my 1st period) to print out information and all of those things in class. My 2nd Period class (Engineering Design) had a substitute teacher today so we really didn't do much work. Of course, I got more signatures for my yearbook by my friends. For 3rd Period (Literature Genres), I finished my Part 3 and Part 4 journal for the book "The Glass Castle" and I finished my work in that class for good. My 4th Period (Desktop Publish) class, we just pretty much messed around with colors and designs for fun and we're getting graded on it as our last Purple Day class. Tomorrow (Thursday the 31st of May) will be my LAST Silver Day class which is for Period 5,6,7, and 8. I'm done with all of my classes by 7th Period though since 8th Period is my OUT Period. It's kinda sad but yeah. Friday will be the START of my final exam week :)

tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:

Of course, I don't have go to these finals if I'm EXEMPT from them. If you're EXEMPT for a morning exam though, you just need to show up for 45 minutes and then leave and they do that for attendance purposes so here is my schedule. :) June 6th is my last day of school. :) I'll tell you which ones I'm exempt from once all of my teachers tell me

Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)

Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)

Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)

Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)

P.S. My Graduation Rehearsal is on Monday, June 4 and it's mandatory for all seniors so I apparently need to go which sucks because I know it will be boring but it's just one rehearsal so I'll live through it. :)

tigerdude22's Movie Trilogy Idea (Main Topic Of

The Blog)

Before I joined this website, I used to make a bunch of movie ideas that I hope Hollywood can use one day in the future. Not that I'll ever send it to them but yeah. I've already shared some of my movie ideas with futuramarama so he knows about some of my movie ideas and seems to enjoy it (don't know if he means it but if he does like them then that's great... if he doesn't, it's okay it won't offend me or anything like that because everyone has different opinions by their point of view). For now, I just want to share with you a movie trilogy and you'll see what the title of them are right now. It won't be long though. All I'm gonna do is just list the movie title, genre, studio, description about what the movie is about, and what MPAA rating the movie gets. Please Tell Me Your Thoughts about this trilogy afterwards and be honest with me please!!! here it goes. :)

Movie Title: Rodeo

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Genre: Western, Action, Adventure, Comedy

Description: A western cowboy named Rodeo moves into the capital of Texas which is Austin. When he arrives at Austin, Texas to begin the start of his better and more exciting life, he meets some people along the way and becomes fast friends with them. He meets three beautiful and sweet cowgirls who know to shoot and happen to be the greatest female shooters in Austin. He meets three cowboys who have different personalities but they know how to shoot and get tough when they need to. One cowboy is intelligent and isn't scared of anything, the second cowboy isn't clueless but he can get easily confused on certain things while he can understand others, and the third and final cowboy is a dim-wit but for a cowboy who has a small brain... he is threatening and actually happens to be the best aimed bullet-shooting, whipping, and butt-kicking cowboy. And last, Rodeo meets a nice and wise man who works as a bartender (or milktender) in the mornings & afternoons and works as a typewriter in the evenings & nights. He isn't exactly a cowboy but when Rodeo needs a back-up plan... that man would be set up for the job and he's known to have the best strategies for a man that isn't much of a cowboy. Lastly, Rodeo meets a very dangerous cowboy named Bullseye who has the mind of a dangerous bull and if anyone ever DARE messes with Bullseye, he will easily crack your neck or break your spine and many more things. Rodeo wants the city of Austin to be safe so it's up to the new cowboy in town named Rodeo and his friends to stop Bullseye but it won't be easy and will in fact be very risky to actually kill him.The thing is that Bullseye might never be killed no matter how many times they attempt to kill him. He's actually one of the toughest antagonists in movie history believe or not (oh yeah).

Rated PG for some western action and violence, mild dark dialogue, brief smoking, western slang humor, and some mild language

Movie Title- Rodeo 2: Bullseye's Revenge

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Genre: Western, Action, Adventure, Comedy

Description: A sequel to the western/action/comedy film "Rodeo" and the gang is back. As it was revealed at the end of "Rodeo", Bullseye survived Rodeo stabbing him plus a group from another town recovered Bullseye and that group happens to be evil cowboys. Bullseye returns to Austin, Texas and he is angrier than ever and as does shows his more dark and scarier tone into this sequel. This sequel will have twice as more action, twice as more comedy, and will be twice as more dark than the original which will make it one of Disney's darkest films. Rodeo and the gang including more people must prepare for the huge battle with Bullseye and his huge group of evil cowboys. It won't be easy for the cowboys to kill of those evil cowboys and Bullseye (who is very difficult to kill). Bullseye won't give up until everyone in town especially Rodeo is dead and will take over Austin, Texas. It's the ultimate battle that you won't want to miss. It will have a ton of explosions, gun-shootings, whipping, punching, and more things. This is the battle that you won't want to miss most certainly. Will Bullseye actually be dead in this sequel?

Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of western action and violence, some mild drug references including smoking and drinking, brief sensuality, a torture/whipping scene, and a brief bloody image

Movie Title- Rodeo 3: Bullseye Needs To Die

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Genre: Western, Action, Adventure, Comedy

Description: Rodeo has a nightmare that Bullseye is gonna escape from jail and get his revenge once again but he isn't gonna let that happen this time so Rodeo and the gang make a plan and go out of town and travel half way around the world in search of Bullseye to kill him. The third and final installment of the trilogy will have a lot of chases, surprises, action, and just things you would love to see in a western film. The gang travel to Colorado, California, Florida, Tennessee, and a few more states just to go find Bullseye plus it was all part of Bullseye's plan so he knew that they were coming. You all know how Bullseye is pretty much an unstoppable evil cowboy who is very difficult. Rodeo and the gang agreed that if they are gonna kill Bullseye that they need to really really really trick him and be one step ahead of him so they need to come up with the most intelligent, most difficult, most craziest, and it also might mean that Rodeo needs to sacrifice his life to kill Bullseye so Austin, Texas can be safe for good with no danger or worries about Bullseye. Stick around as this will be the third and final installment of the western/action/comedy trilogy "Rodeo".

Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of western action and violence including stylized western chase scenes, some smoking and drinking including a mild drug reference, some suggestive content including a brief sensual scene, and startling and disturbing images

Tell Me Your Thoughts About This

Movie Trilogy That I Came Up With

(Be Honest... I Won't Be Offended If

You Don't Like The Idea)

If you want to see more of my movie ideas, just tell me (with honesty) and I'll make a blog sometimes in the future with some more movie ideas I came up with. :)

Movie Trailer Of The Blog: (I wanna this movie most definitely)

Skyfall Trailer (a.k.a. NEW 007' James Bond movie)

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog: (Played in the sad scene near the end of "Captain America: The First Avenger"... listen to this soundtrack, it's so sad but it's so wonderful... that part always make me cry actually)

Captain America: The First Avenger soundtrack called "This Is My Choice"

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

awesome show

Movie Poster Of The Blog:

i wanna see this movie, hope it's good