tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:
Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)
Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)
Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)
Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)
Final Exams I'm EXEMPT from:
Period 3 (afternoon)
Period 5 (morning)
Period 2 (morning)
Period 6 (morning)
Period 8 (afternoon)
Final Exams I'm Taking because I'm obviously NOT exempt:
Period 1 (morning)
Period 7 (afternoon)
Period 4 (afternoon)
Today I just need to take my last final exam for the afternoon which is 4th Period and I'm done. :) By the time it's my next blog, my whole schedule will be crossed out. :) My last day of school is this Wednesday and since I'm exempt for BOTH morning and afternoon on Wednesday. I only have to go to school for 45 minutes and then I'm officially done with school. :)
Today was also my Graduation Rehearsal and it went pretty well. I sit behind the girl I like so that's nice and I'm gonna sit behind her at graduation. Graduation Rehearsal was a pain in the butt though. We had to walk around to do our entrance. They made a mistake on the first time so we had to go back to our seats and do walking all of the way to the entrance all over again. My graduation is at the Don Haskins Center so yeah. All-in-all, it wasn't too bad because I was being all funny and talking to my friends. :)
MOVING ON........
What's the WORST movie(s) you've
ever seen?
Just thought I ask all of you this but what's the worst movie you've ever seen. If you want to, it doesn't even have to be one movie. You can just name a few movies that you found to be terrible but if you can think of a movie that is absolutely the WORST in movie history then just say it. For me, the WORST movies I've ever seen would be movies like "Priest", "Conan The Barbarian", "Jack and Jill", "Piranha 3D" (I'm NOT gonna even bother with "Piranha 3DD"), and most likely more. You know what to do, just tell me in the comments. :)
2 more of tigerdude22's movie ideas:
Okay, last time... I shared with you all my movie trilogy idea for the western/action/comedy "Rodeo" but here are at least 2 more movie ideas and I hope you find these just as enjoyable as my movie trilogy idea I shared with you guys from a couple of blogs ago. :)
Movie Title: Happy Anniversary
Studio: Universal Studios
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Description: A man wants to surprise his wife by throwing their anniversary party at their house. He wants to buy her the perfect anniversary gift. He even calls his son who goes to college in San Francisco to take flight down for the weekend and the son said that he can make it. The son even brings his girlfriend along where she will finally meet the son's parents. The husband tries to get his wife distracted and funny and unexpected things happen whenever he tries to distract her while the rest of the family is planning the anniversary party and how they are gonna surprise her. Things do tend to get insane and random and it's NOT the anniversary party that the husband wanted it to be so they have to come up with Plan B to back up the disaster with the anniversary party before the wife comes home. How will this situation turn out to be in the end?. This isn't your typical romantic comedy as there will be twists coming here and there. This less romance and more comedy film should have you laughing all the way and it will also have some heart to it also.
Rated PG-13 for language, some comical violence, drug references including smoking/drinking, and mayhem throughout
Movie Title: Demolition Men
Studio: Universal Studios
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Description: A man who illegally prints out money and steals the money by putting it inside his briefcase offers five men a job and that job is that they throw bombs at a bunch of tall buildings to the people that he hates very much. These five men get paid a lot of money doing this but if they are gonna paid to do a horrible crime, they need to be extremely careful. If the five men get away with the crime and the cops don't catch them then they will get paid by that man but if the cops catch them and arrest them plus the five of them having to do hard times then it's all over for them and they don't get paid at all. This is action/crime/thriller film has intense bombing/explosion and action moments from start to finish. It's non-stop excitement all the way through and it will have your heart pounding.
Rated R for strong action-all involving bombings and explosions throughout, some brutal violence, and some language
BE HONEST!!! (I won't get hurt if you don't like the ideas). Hope to share some more in the future. :)
Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:
Ratatouille soundtrack called "Remy Drives A Linguini" (one of my favorite PIXAR movies)
Movie Trailer Of The Blog:
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted trailer
Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:
Movie Poster Of The Blog: