It's been years since I posted a new blog entry and since my last one was about me reaching a 5000 gamerscore on XBL, i figured I'd mention that I'm now over 15000. Oh and who knows maybe I'll start posting on gamespot again.
tigerfan17 Blog
5000 Points
by tigerfan17 on Comments
My Anti-Climatic Comeback!
by tigerfan17 on Comments
Well, I'm back to the site. Did anyone at all miss me? God, it's been so long since I've been here and even longer since the last time I posted anything on my blog.
-Dan B
Got my 360 back
by tigerfan17 on Comments
So, I got my Xbox360 back a couple of days ago. However it wasn't "my" console instead it was a brand new Xbox 360 with a manufactured date almost a year later than my original Xbox. So, I was very pleased with how fast Microsoft got my 360 in and then sent it back to me.
-Dan B.
My 360 is done!
by tigerfan17 on Comments
I got some great news this morning when I checked my email inbox and found out that my Xbox360's repair was finished after onoly 5 days and now all I have to do is wait for it to be shipped back. So who knows maybe my streak of luck will continue and I'll at least be able to play Bioshock during the first week after it is officially released.
-Dan B
WTF Am I Going to Do With My 360!
by tigerfan17 on Comments
I've only had my Xbox360 for two months so I was a little upset when it got bit by the old Red Ring of Death but I was fine with it since I should have a back by the time Halo 3 comes out. But, when I read the rumors that the new cheaper Premiums would come with HDMI I thought someone must've been playing an extremely cruel joke. But now that it's become official today I don't think my investment of an Xbox360 was really that wise since had I just waited a couple of measily months I could have gotten a 360 that was cheaper and has this incredible feature in the form of HDMI which is very important to me since I play on an HDTV. Maybe, I should go back to playing games on PC since with the versions Sony's going through with the PS3 it doesn't seem to be much better than the Xbox360
-Dan B.
PS- Sorry about the rant
My 360 is Dead
by tigerfan17 on Comments
While my last blog post was one of excitement and great joy on the day I got my Xbox 360. Today's post is one of sorrow and great disappointment due to my 360 getting the dreaded 3 red flashing lights earlier in the day. Just two days short of my two month anniversary non the less. Then upon finding out it would be 4-6 weeks until my 360 is fixed I started to question my investment of an Xbox 360, luckily taking a glance at my Halo poster put a quick end to that. So until my 360 is fixed I guess I'll just have to play my DS and my Ps2.
-Dan B
I Finally got my 360!!!
by tigerfan17 on Comments
So yesterday I finally got my very own Xbox 360. I did get it from Best Buy but I didn't get their replacement plan, I instead sent away my form for Microsoft's plan latter in the day. With my 360(premium in case you were wondering) I also bought an extra controller, a couple of play and charge kits, three months of Live, Crackdown, and I rented Forza 2. So you'll better watch out for Gamertag: MastrChief360 because I'm comin for ya.
-Dan B.
Got a New Job
by tigerfan17 on Comments
It's been a really long time since I posted anything here but now I have something to talk about since I finally have a new job. I'm going to be the newest cashier at my local Best Buy store. So it should be pretty cool being around video games and TVs all the time. Oh, and my first day is Tuesday so, I've got a couple of weeks to get some extra cash before the Elite Xbox 360 is out.
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