They both are garbage, check.
I did not like either one. I checked out Rogue Warrior, and immediately went to my friends house to play it. After about 45 mins, I was so disgusted in this title, that I took it back to the store to tell them that it was garbage. I then checked out Avatar. It too was crap, not as bad as Rogue Warrior, but I have better games to play.
A friend of mine says that I am being too harsh. Honestly, I probably am, but in a market that competetive as the gaming one, and with all the titles being roughly the same price, you have to be tough on the ones that don't deserve to be that price, especially when there are much better titles for the same coin.
Anyways, yeah you can rent them to see for yourself, but I was not impressed.
I just got the flying maching in AC II, its awesome!
Anyways, later!
BTW, I saw this and thought it was funny. Watch closely or you might miss it......