Finally. It's been spring for what a month now, and Seattle is just now starting to show it. It's awesome outside! I love video games, but sometimes you need to go outside and get some fresh air in your lungs, at least between loading times. I guess I really have not did a lot of planning for the summer. I know that June 7th I am taking my wife to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands for ten days. That will be fun.
I finally picked up my reserved copy of GH II. I have been so busy between school and work, I actually forgot to pick it up on the 3rd! It's not really suprising that I forgot though. This quarter of school has been pretty crazy. I have to learn Adobe Premier, Adobe Audition, and Adobe 3DS Max. All in 11 weeks! 3DS Max alone has over 85,000 commands! I have the same instructor for two of the 3 classes, and he's pretty tough. If we do what we learn, we get a C, we have to study and do stuff on our own to get an A! I think thats a load of crap, but whatever, I have an A right now anyways.
I hope that I get some time this weekend to actually open the package and hold the guitar, i dunno about plugging it in and turning in on or anything like that.....
**** it, I am gonna make time!
I am having a blasty blast with Shivering Isles! It's so damn wierd! The things the people say make me laugh out loud sometimes! My wife hears some of things they say from the other room and has to come in there to hear it again, because she thinks she misunderstood them, realizing they said exactly what she heard! If you ain't got it yet, you're missing out! I know I sound like the official spokesman for Shivering Isles, but I can't stress enough how good it is. I also bought the biggest MS points bundle you can buy, the 5000 pack. I didn't realize just how many points that was till I purchased Shivering Isles and still had 2600 points!
Well, I gotta get back to work.