Yeah, so I have been getting back into competitive gaming, thanks to Gears 3. I have always been a huge fan of the series, and I was, at one time, really into competitive MP. I got to the semis in the Vegas 2 Tourney that GS hosted.
I wish they would do that again.... I would upgrade my account on here again if they did, since that was the reason I upgraded in the first place.
So yeah, I am getting back into it, but not hardcore just yet. I do have school to focus on. That doesn't mean that I don't get on there and get into the game a bit lol!
Tonight, about 30 mins ago, a group of friends and I got to level 50 on horde mode on normal. Only me and another guy on the team is really focused on points, and kills. One guy had never played Gears horde mode before. Even with the odds stacked against us we made it to level 50. We were stopped short of finishing the level. Why? Because we had been playing the same mode, from 1 to level 50, for FOUR HOURS AND ELEVEN MINUTES! I would do it again, because it was a blast!
I will get more involved in the ranked MP later. I still feel that I need to get better aquainted with the maps first.
Whatever man, its 5:30 a.m., I haven't been to bed yet, and I am convinced that Gears 3 is visual meth for the brain.
Off to bed.