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Guess who's back! Back again! Tiggerboy's back! Tell a friend!

Hey guys!

So, I am nearing the end of my college career. Soon I will be looking for work in the game industry as a concept artist. I have just finished my latest work, and I think it looks good. What do you think?

We are doing a Hell Theme for our Team Project cIass. It's a multi-term cIass that designs and creates a working, fully functional video game. I am the concept artist.


I also went crazy for the launch of Gears of War 3. The Gears series is one of my favorites. So for Gears 3 I went all out. I got Gears of War 3 Epic Edition, The Collecters Edition strategy guide, The life-sized Retro Lancer, and yes, the 320GB Gears of War 3 Xbox 360. I went all out this time.


I went a bit crazy at the Gamestop. The grand total of this games release was....

wait for it....

$773.00 (approx.)

Yes, the most I have spent on a Game.


Yes, went to PAX again this year, of course when it happens in your city it a given that you go lol! Think about it, what comic book nerd that lives in San Diego doesn't go to the San Diego Comic Con?! Anyway's, I made a stop at the GameSpot booth. Had a picture taken there from the GS camera thing. Also got a T-Shirt there. Here's the picture of me making a dumb face with a hot chick that was working the booth, being photobombed by my retarded asian friend Phil. Just kiddin, Phil's awesome. Big nerd tho.

So PAX was a blast. Got to play a few games, meet lots of people in the business, which was awesome. Didn't get as much shwag as usual, barely any posters :(. I did however get some cool stuff from Halo Fest WHICH WAS AWESOME! I also got two, yes two, onLive Systems FREE! Just had to stand in a line. Got two because I had two passes to get punched (mine and the wifes) and they kept track by punching small holes into the passes. There was plenty of cosplay as well.

Oh! I forgot something!

I also bought this at PAX:

What is this you ask? It's THIS!

It's a GAEMS! (Gaming and Entertainment Mobile System) The GAEMS is a small suitcase your your system. Works with both PS3 and 360. It boast a 20" full HD 1080p screen, integrated speakers, and all the controllers and cables fit in this very durable, lightweight case. You can also padlock this thing up for when you travel. It's sweet.

Everything else has been alright. The wife is good, the dog is good, and I am good.

Well, I am off to do more homework. Good bye!

edit: Still haven't fixed the whole cIass and styIe thing? Jesus GS, what are we waiting on?