Hey guys! Quick short blog. Over the weekend I wanted to get a new camera since I spent the last 3 months looking for my old one. I wanted to get a good one for PAX that was not too expensive. I went to newegg.com (my favorite geek site!) and got a Nikon Coolpix S3000 for only $120 with shipping! Check it:
Its awesome! Its 12MP and pretty thin! They come in several colors, but I just got the silver one.
Anyways, like I said before, I bought it because I lost the old one.
It was delivered this morning, after Michelle found the old one last night.
Damn FML!
Oh well, now we will have two so we can take twice as many pictures!
James and his wife get here tomorrow! PAX is in two days! YAY!
Gotta go shoot people on MW2, later!