tiggerboy / Member

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Some new additions to the gaming family

So I was wrapping gitfts, and I thought I would take a little break and let you guys see a couple of new systems that I purchased recently.

First up:

Yup, FINALLY got a God of War PSP. I should have got it when it was new, but someone traded this one in at my store, and fortunately they took great care of it. The screen just appears to be scratched because of the LED screen cleaner I just used on it, but actually its damn near mint! The PSP logo on the front has some very minor nicks, no biggie tho.

This my friends is a little known gem called the JVC X'EYE. I got this on eBay for a very respectable ammount ($70 bucks I think?). You can read some info on this system HERE, since I am too lazy to type it all up.

I got this a while ago, but while I was taking pics, I thought I would share this with you.....

This is that wierd TV tuner thing that I was telling you about for the GBA Advance. It completely works, but unfortunately all channels went digital, so I cannot pick up anything. I have got some sound before, but the picture is still all fuzz....

Well, thats all for now, I will be going to work soon, so I have to get ready.
