tiggerboy / Member

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The Xbox Live Gamers Union Upgrade is going real smooth!

I am happy to report that the XBLGU upgrading is going well.  We have a new banner and icon, lots of new content, and plenty of room for more members.  If anyone wants to join, please do so! 

I have been so busy lately, that my 360 is probably feeling a bit neglected.  I am going to have some time to play this week, though. 

I finally went and watched 300.  Just like I expected, Frank Miller did a great job again!  Its a very gory and busy movie, without one dull moment.  Frank Miller is an awesome writer.  I have his Sin City novel(s) and love reading them. 

Well, not too much to report, just have been going to school and working on the union.  Come check it out!