I cannot stay away. I just can't. I feel as though this is actually Hotel California, where I can checkout whenever I like, but can never leave!
Do not worry James, I do not want the Leadership position back. I am WAAAY to busy with everything else to even attempt to work with the union. I will do what I can, but I had a good run. Time for someone else to have the reins.
So, lets get all of you awesome people up to speed. I am now the Operations Director for the Seattle Retro Gaming Expo 2011! Hell yeah peeps, I am helping put on this AWESOME show!
Basically, I am in charge of making sure that every department gets all the tools they need to make their respected areas function at 100%. It's a pretty big responcibility, but I am up for it. Not the first time I have been put in charge of something big.
You can check out our website HERE.
So far so good. Plenty of tix sales and hype! I am hoping that we have a radio spot for the event soon! It will be awesome!
Oh yeah....
I did it.
I bought a 3DS.
And its pretty much AWESOME!
I don't know how Nintendo did it, and I don't care. All I know is that teh tech is awesome and it freaking works! Just have Rayman 3D now, and its just as fun as ever! I traded in a few thing (including my DSi XL) to get it for no duckets spent.
Oh yeah, and as far as the last post is conserned. I am still broke, I am still unemployeed. I am going back to the gym, getting my buff on! I am feeling better because of it also! Being in good shape is such an awesome feeling!
Michelle is getting better. Was a little worried there for a while. She says "Hi!".
Oh yeah, I am getting my website up! I do not have much content yet, but if you want to drop in and check it out, here is the link:
There is not much on the site just yet. I am still getting all my content optimized. Feel free to check it out and drop me a line if you want. You can also contact me at sean@3designart.com.
Well, its late as hell, and i gotta go, so I will talk to you guys real soon. I will go through and try and catch myself up in your blogs, but if you want to help me out, just drop a comment on how you have been. I will respond.
Later guys!