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Urban Dictionary is teh lurve

I think, just for fun, I'm going to search parts of my username in Urban Dictionary and see what comes up, then post the ones that aren't going to get me banninated off this site.


1. Something - usually electronic - that suddenly stops working, is tiggered. Tigger as a verb means to break beyond repair. "My computer was working fine, but now it's totally tiggered."
(That's usually what I end up doing to electronics >_>;)

2. wat i call my babiigirl lol inside joke BUT NOBODY ELSE CAN CALL HER THAA "Tigger is yu stuck in thaa tree again babii...lemme fly over and getchu out"

3. Defender of munchingfoo and all round Sinner enthusiast. "I'll set the Tigger on you."


Different human specie that was just discovered. Characteristics of a tine would be if they are really cute and thats pretty much all "My sister and brother are tines."

So, I guess that means I'm a different human species that wrecks stuff up, gets stuck in trees often, and defends strange words...uh, yeah. That sums me up fairly well.