Surprised to see Ripto's Rage below 1 & 3.
TiggyTog's forum posts
No one?
Dudes made a massive list for the PSP and Vita.
PS Vita:
I'm not into the street games, just want a realistic-ish (for the PSP, anyway) basketball sim with plenty of content and modes, and obviously good gameplay and decent AI. Should have ad-hoc, exhibition, dynasty/franchise mode; create-a-team, or create-a-player... or both, not picky. Also if it has a 1v1 mode that'd be cool.
I either haven't got a clear answer OR people just recommend the most fun, which unfortunately is usually the most arcade-y of the bunch, I'd just like a great balance of realism and fun, please and thanks.
I get money in less then a week and figured I'd pick one up.
Play in your room.
If your parents don't let you play in your room, explain to them that there's nowhere else to play the game. If that doesn't work then by extension, you aren't allowed to play games in your house.
There are things you can do: Get a handheld. Nintendo Switch has tons of mature and M-Rated games, not GTA V but it does have tons of games where there's blood, violence, and gore. It's getting Witcher 3 at some point which has sex, Saints Row The Third where you can literally run around naked.
@RSM-HQ: I like comparing games I like with other games, its genuinely one of my favorite past-times, lol.
@foxhound_fox: 100%.
@horgen: Making new threads is a good way to drown out existing and relevant ones.
Why should it bother anyone, in any way, at any time, that I decided to bump a 10-year-old thread? Who is it hurting in any way?
1. It creates far less clutter.
2. From what I've seen, people like talking in long-running threads, if you were to give someone to post in 1 single thread, as opposed to new threads every other week, I can guarantee you they'd post in the old thread because they can continue their conversation.
3. Are there really people that wanna continue on from the exact convo of said users from 10 years ago? Why should it matter that there are people that wanna read every single post so they can keep up with the convo? To me its personally just weird to do so, just read the posts on that page and post, if you've never posted in there especially then you don't particularly need to know the convo, just the thread name.
@pook99: Any reason you despise Ultimate? I got it, Dracula X Chronicles, and Mega Man: Powered Up for my PSP and I've been having the most fun with UGnG by far. The tons of secrets and goodies, the difficulty, the ability to shoot in 4 directions, JESUS GOD YES that was helpful. It felt almost like a Super Castlevania IV treatment, every weapon was useful, you could aim in different directions, the game was longer, and in some cases harder. One level took more attempts for me then the f*cking impossible game. Not to mention the level design and bosses are so damn good.
So many secrets and goodies, different outfits, upgrades, downgrades (for added challenge), new weapons and old weapons, different difficulty modes, and frankly to be honest, Ultimate just outright FEELS and plays better then the original games.
Also, better music... really?:
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion even remotely, as great as both games are Ultimate is mountain ranges ahead.
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