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tikichris20 Blog

No more Gamespot at work? WHY GOD WHY?!

Thats right, I have now been blocked from all my favorite sites from work  (Gamespot being # 1) thanks to a new filter they put on all the comptuers. It pains me but I won't be on Gamespot nearly as much but I'll try to keep my stuff updated...ah well guess I'll have to do some actual work from now on.

Quit your whining pansy boy!

Ugh. I was just looking at the FF XII preview and I realized that 360 just doesn't have a strong RPG front. I'm not really interested in FF XII anymore ( maybe if they would have had it come out a couple of years ago ) but it reminded me of all of the old RPG's I used to love play. Microsoft has added more RPG's than on the original Xbox but there just hasn't been any game that I have been absorbed into yet. Oblivion was good, Enchanted Arms is kind of a snooze and I don't see anything on the horizion soon. I'm putting my money on Mass Effect or Blue Dragon to satisfy my RPG hunger, but it makes me wonder if I should consider the PS3. I've gone from loving the PS3 to hating it to now somewhere in the middle unsure if I should buy the $600.00 powerhouse...there is one thing I can tell you though and that is I will not pay 600 bucks for a game console period. Maybe I should just play all my old favorites and not worry about any of this next-gen stuff anymore because 600 dollars could be put towards something far more a trip to Vegas! :twisted:

What happened to the 'Boys?!

   Another season start for the Cowboys and another disappointment. After looking like a strong playoff team in the 1st quarter things just starting falling apart after that. Of course the missed field goals and touchdowns being taken back by penalties didn't help but the #1 source of error was once again Bledsoe.Once again he throws a 3 interception game and undershoots almost all of his passes. I have a feeling if he has one more game like this Parcells is going to pull him out and give Romo a chance ( mark my words ) and Romo may take over just as Tom Brady did for the Patriots. One thing I am happy about is that T.O. did fine minus all of the negative criticism forced his way. Ah well, it is only week 1 so I guess we should all just enjoy the ride. Heres to week 2!

Sorry there Bloggy...I forgot about you.

   I have to admit, I really love hack n slashers. I was looking at my game syesterday for one to play and I looked back on how much fun I had with Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires. The only game I've spent more time with is Oblivion ( for obvious reasons ). Whats so weird about that is the game takes little skill, the graphics are horrid for a 360 game, the AI has the intelligence of a goldfish and it's the most repetitive game I've ever played. Then why is it that it is one of my most cherished games?! I don't know, I really can't explain it either. I do know that I have both Ninety-Nine Nights and Samurai Warriors 2 reserved and payed off as a result though. Who knows, maybe I just like mindless button mashing. Well whatever I like what I like and I guess I like hack n slashers.

   Something else I have to look foward to today is picking up Dead Rising when I get off of work. Didn't really look interesting to me until I played the demo and was really impressed, I've never really been too much of a Resident Evil fan ( except for 4 ) but DR is about as opposite of RE as you can get while still having zombies in a game. Props to you Capcom! Anyways, I'm gonna go get me some zombies, peace!

Still no SF II? I'm gonna Hyper Uppercut XBL!

I want my Street Figther II! I want it now! It just seems like they have been hyping this game forever but everytime it is time to finally come out ::poof:: the release date dissappears again. Of course they have the gamer pictures for purchase in the Marketplace, yet no game. This was the game I was always playing when I was younger both at the arcades and at home; I just can't wait to be able to play random people all over again. Please, PLEASE bring me SF II soon!

360 Blues

 purchased my 360 back in April and began seeing flaws about 2 weeks ( the occasional game freeze ). As time went on it starting freezing much more, it ate my copy of Table Tennis for no reason and began making a "whirring" sound. Couple of days after that the disc tray stopped opening. I ended up calling customer support and they were more than happy to service my console and it was a very smooth process and only took a week to ship out and get back. When I obtained my package it had a note from the repair center stating that they had replaced my original console with a brand new one! That just made me even happier, only to find out when I started to boot up the "new" console I could not a play a single game of mine for more than 5 minutes maximum without yet another freeze. I waited until in the morning to check it again and at that point the ring of light displayed 3 flashing red LEDs which I came to find out meant a hardware failure. I have made sure to do the all the proper things recommends to take care of your console ( put in an area with plenty of air, not moving my console while powered on ect. )but I still had to contact customer support again. Once again I have to send it in for a brand new one after speaking to the customer service rep for over an hour trying to fix the problem at home. My point of this post is not to bash the 360 by any means, it is probably my most prized possession. I just drives me crazy I have gotten 2 crap shoot consoles in under 2 months. Hopefully, the third one will be a-ok. On a positive note, I get a free copy of Kameo for all my

The DAY has Finally Come

Thats right! The day has finally come. This will be my last day of being of to tomorrow I will finally be 21! I'm not even sure if I can still believe it myself; it feels like it had been such a long wait and now it is over. I find it kind of funny that I am now trying to quit smoking right before I start going to the bars but hey you've gotta quit sometime. Gamewise, I am sucked into Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires. I bought the game new for only 30 bucks thinking that it would just be a game to blow through to get achievements but I have found the strategy element is very addicting...the graphics totally suck but a good game overall. Also, if you haven't downloaded Uno from the Live arcade do so ASAP. Cheers! - Chris

Down With The Sickness!

If anyone lives around the Dallas area then you have a good what I am talking about. It's an epidemic, the entire city has gotten sick in less than a weeks time, myself included. My weekend consisted of laying in bed, being miserable, and playing ALOT of games as a result ( and watching the Mavs beat the Spurs into submission. Go Mavs!) I swear it's like that new bird flu movie is coming to life! So, I played Oblivion but I decided I wanted to start character, a Khajitt assassin who flew through over half the Dark Brotherhood & Thieves Guild missions. Now this IS the way to play the game, much better than the look for bad guy and smash tactics I had before. Just cant get over how fun that game is. Anyhoo, I am going to get a Call of Duty 2 tourney on for my buddies in the Xbox 360 Union so if anyone is interested I'll have a post there or just PM me. Thats it! - Chris