Yep I'm level 40. I is gamespot virgin nao? >.> :P
So I've been playing quite a few games this past week. Two from Koei(read older blogs) and Serious Sam HD first encounter or something like that. It was gifted on steam to me from a friend on gamespot. I won't mention the user name though just because of stupid petty reasons really. (Honestly I would say more but for my sake I won't.) You know who you are though. (Thanks :3) >.>
Warriors Legend of Troy
A warriors game you say? I must love it then! :o No I do not. In fact Legend of Troy is quite bad. It feels like a poor Warrior game. Of course I'm not too far in it. However it certainly didn't give me a good impression.
Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll
Unlike Legend of Troy, I'm enjoying Trinity. It certainly got it flaws but I still had fun playing the game. The story seems pretty bad so far but that may change when I get to play more of the game.
Serious Sam HD first encounter
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
*Sorry about the poor image. I like to thank OneSan, Luxen, and Valiant Rebel for playing the game with me a bit. :]
Not much I can say about the game really. It's a blast playing with friends. Also fun to shoot down hordes of enemies. :P If you want to play a game with me then just send a friend request to gstimmy00 on steam. I do like talking to gamespot members outside of gamespot and maybe get to know them a bit. Just send me a random message or whatever. I won't bite. :P
Also I has new sig. :3
Thanks for reading. Now get out. :P